Saturday, May 11, 2024

“Transcript of Prophecy and Visitation from the Archangel Michael given at SOG on 05-10-24”


“Transcript of Prophecy and Visitation from the Archangel Michael given at SOG on 05-10-24”

(Livestream Time: 1:22:30 to 1:28:33)
(Note: There are gaps in the livestream due to the geomagnetic storms going on tonight in the atmosphere)
The Lord speaks:
“Children, do not fear the things that shall come in many lands, and do not fear the things that are at hand, but do you not know that you stand in my command? Do you not know that you have angels arrayed all around, and with angels……...…….. you hear My voice. You see My Face. These are the times that you are to stand firmly in your place, and you are to daily walk out your pace that the angel that goes before you sets up each day. For I have your scrolls. They are within your being, but Children, I am the One that is All-Seeing, and it is time that you are to be agreeing, and you are to be decreeing, the things that are to be being! Because now is the time to create the things that I did legislate. I legislated in your gate, and Michael comes for the time of the realignment of your assignment! Even of your own, and also for your land.”
“Are not these times that I have written by My Hand? Did I not write the future at the beginning? Did I not write the end, and those things between? Do not be shaken in this hour, but mount up with wings like eagles, and fly into My Face, and see the things that I have established for your day! …………… comes, and all the angels obey the things that he does say. Because they are stationed in their ranks and in their commands. Do not be afraid of this hour. Do not be afraid of the shaking. Do not be afraid of the waves which shall come in and of the waves which shall go out. Don’t you know what I am about?”
“I am turning the tide of the darkness that have controlled the lands, but the earth belongs to Me! And so you are going to see the shaking of the seas. You are going to see the shaking of the lands. You are going to hear the Thunder and the Lightning that comes from My Hands, because Michael is in command, and you are to stand in your place, and you are to stand on the wall as the Watchmen over it all, and you are to decree with Me so that nations do not fall. But you are the ones that shall fulfill the scrolls that were written over all! Because you are My Eagles, you are My Oxen, you are My Lions, and you are My Man. You are the ones that turn in My Hand, and all of your faces look to Me as you stand in your command. You are to understand I am harvesting the lands, and My Glory is your story!”
“And Michael has arranged all of the Host, and you will stand at your post, and you will hear My Trumpet in the night, and you will sleep with your sword at your side, and your trumpet in the other hand, and you will rise up when you hear My command, and you will stand, and you will decree the future with Me. For things that you see are not as they shall be, but have I not hidden some things from the enemy? He does not know the future that I have written, but you do, because I wrote it inside of you! And as you hear My voice, rise up in the hour, rise up in the day, rise up in the night, and rise up in faith and in power, for you are My Strong Tower! You are My voice at My hand, and you will stand at My command, and you will utterly defeat the things that shall come, because you are My eagles. You are My Sons and Daughters, and creation has been waiting for you. Now, I say, what shall you do, for the destiny that is before you?”
-Susan G O’Marra