Sunday, September 24, 2023

"Keeping Our Eyes Upon Jesus in All That Will Come" - 09-24-23

"Keeping Our Eyes Upon Jesus in All That Will Come" - 09-24-23

Keep your eyes upon Jesus in all that will come, and in all that will go. The shakings of the heavens, the earth, and the cosmos, they are all declaring Gods purposes. Through it all- the earth and the sun and the moon will still be here, and so will we- on our God given assignments, even in the coming realignments. The sun and the moon are markers for us all. It's time to focus on our generational calls. Keep your eyes on the Lord, He knows what He is doing!!

This scripture keeps me focused:

Psalms 72:7 In His [Christ’s] days shall the [uncompromisingly] righteous flourish and peace abound till there is a moon no longer. 8 He [Christ] shall have dominion also from sea to sea and from the River [Euphrates] to the ends of the earth.

- Susan G O'Marra
- 09-24-23

“Rosh Hashanah, The Angel Winds of Change and the Movement of Gods Plans Across our Lands – 09-15-23”


“Rosh Hashanah, The Angel Winds of Change and the Movement of Gods Plans Across our Lands – 09-15-23”

Several of us from SOG and from various parts of the US were all in Pittsburgh PA over Rosh Hashanah, assisting Pastor Brian Schmigel and Todd Bentley with an evangelistic outreach and the RHA Tent meeting. The Lord had previously spoke to us all at SOG to fast and pray for 40 days for that city and for our nation. We arrived on the 12th and began to pray in our hotel rooms for the meetings and outreaches and for Gods will to be accomplished in our cities and nation.
On 09-15-23, during the first night of the Tent Meeting, as Todd Bentley was speaking up front, I saw the Angel Winds of Change standing to the right side of the tent, in front of where we all were sitting. The Angel Winds of Change had an open window in His chest area. The window had light green curtains in it that were blowing in the wind that came from the angel. I could hear the sound of the wind blowing and the curtains were flapping in the winds. I knew this was an invitation for us to participate in what God wanted to do. The power and Presence of God was so strong in the meeting and waves of Gods Presence swept over us all.
Later that night, we were in our rooms, and as I slept, I went into the same vision again. This time the vision expanded. I saw all of us in the Tent again the same scene as before. The Angel Winds of Change was up front on the right side and the window was in his chest, with the light green curtains blowing in the wind. The sound of the wind was loud coming through the window. Todd Bentley was preaching up front again. I was overcome by the angel’s presence, so I saw myself get up and go up to the window and jump through the window. Then I saw Connie say, “Wait for me!” then she got up and jumped through the window too. Then I saw Todd look over and say, “Where are they going?” Todd kept preaching. Then I saw Patricia Doty also get up and go through the window. A couple of others also jumped through. Todd stopped and said, “Oh forget this!” He threw down his microphone and also jumped through the window in the vision.
As were all entered through the window, it was like being suspended in a great vortex of Divine wind, kind of like sky diving. We all joined hands much like a group of sky divers would, and we were all carried across America in the Movement of the Winds of Change. In could see the lands below us all as I looked down as we were all carried by God together. Then I saw a mountain range come into our view ahead. I heard Todd cry out loudly, “It’s the Great Divide, the Great Divide!” The I was out of the vision.
Doors and Windows are prophetic invitations for men to enter through into the new on the other side.
We are in a new Era of Divine Change as well as Natural Change. The Great Divide statement by Todd is significant as I believe God is revealing strategies for us all to navigate the extreme changes ahead if we will take heed to the vision. We were all being carried by the Lord together in unity as our holding hands depicted.
The strategy of men and of the enemy is to bring total division among us all to separate us from our relationships with each other, and also separate our callings in order to stop the momentum of the work of the Winds of Change, and the Harvesting of our nation, and of the earth. Guard your hearts and minds and allow no misunderstandings to divide you!
The bigger strategy is to bring national and international division to cause a breakdown of relationships so deep that national upheaval, chaos, and disaster will be the result, thus aborting the harvest of America and the nations. The Key to fulfilling Heavens purposes is to stay together, join hands together, to love another in the changes ahead because it’s going to be very turbulent, and to keep our eyes upon the Lord, and to be faithful to our assignments, as He carries us all across the nations. The Lord knows what He is doing among us all, even if we don’t understand any of it. We just have to yield to His works and stay focused.
May we all be found faithful and be fruitful in His Service,
- Susan G O’Marra 09-24-23

“Jesus and the Angel with the Big Pocket Watch of Acceleration – 09-22-23”


“Jesus and the Angel with the Big Pocket Watch of Acceleration – 09-22-23”

I was standing in the front of the church at the pulpit and was preparing to open in prayer. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw Jesus and another angel standing next to Him right up front. The angel had a huge pocket watch that was about a foot in diameter.
There is an acceleration of our pace as we have entered into the fourth phase of our race, and we have to understand the clock face. For the Lord is going to accelerate, and He is going to cause us to move into synchronization, even in this location, even in this nation. For things are going to accelerate in the earth, but He’s going to accelerate the birth.
The corporate message:
“You are the Remnant, the Righteous, the Seed of great worth. Do not be shaken. Do not be worried. Do not be fearful, My Change is here, and you are in My Timeframe, written just for you! I have marked your steps. I have marked your paths. I have marked your domain. I have marked everything that I have written for you. Do not deviate. Do not run to and fro. For many will not understand the things ahead, even in your land. But you do, because you know what I have called you to do.”
“You have My Words. You have My Spirit. You have My Anointing. You have My Presence. You are My House in which I dwell, and Children, you have a story to tell. I will cause your voice to carry upon the Winds of Change. I will cause your voice to go further out and to accelerate. I will cause your voice to be heard, in the power of My Word. For My Voice is in your voice, and My Voice carries. My Voice creates, and My Voice separates, and My Voice cleans everything up.”
“Children, keep your eyes on Me, for some things are still a mystery, and some things you cannot understand by looking at history. You must look at Me. You must not depend on the voices of men. You must depend on My Voice. You must ascend. You must stand in Me. I have given you your assignments. I have shifted your alignments, and I am causing your path to narrow. I am causing your path to ascend. You shall walk in realms where men cannot find, because not all have My Heart. Not all walk in obedience to Me, but your eyes will see, and you will help many find their way in the coming days.”
“Continue to walk in what I say. Continue to walk in what I show. Continue to walk in what you know and watch My Spirit flow. For I shall build. I shall continue, and you shall continue to be strong. For I have written your book Children, and it is long, and your story will be without end. Because even the generation after you will look back at your days, and they will understand what you did to prepare the way for them. For I build generation upon generation, upon generation upon generation, and you have a glorious part! Now watch, the next things I am going to start!”
the act of accelerating; increase of speed or velocity.
a change in velocity.
Mechanics. the time rate of change of velocity with respect to magnitude or direction; the derivative of velocity with respect to time.
verb (used with object), syn·chro·nized, syn·chro·niz·ing.
to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches.
to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked on together. to harmonize or bring into alignment: To be at peace with yourself you must synchronize your lifestyle with your values.
to cause (accounts or narratives) to agree in the timing and sequence of events, or to arrange (events) in a way that shows their occurrence in the same time or period: The early church fathers did not attempt to synchronize the four gospels. This chart synchronizes inventions that occurred simultaneously in different parts of the world.
- Susan G O’Marra
- - 09-22-23