"The Increase of My
Glory in Your City Has Begun"
The increase of My Glory in your city has
begun, and through this portal My Glory shall increasingly come. As my light
increases within you and within this city, the effect of My light will sift all
that is within its spectrum. The current radius that I have assigned to you
within this city is expanding, but with that increase it is also becoming
clearer. This is what I require a greater clarity of thought and heart. So my
light is bringing changes to everyone within the radius of my light. I am
dealing with all sin, all disobedience, all forms of rebellion, spiritual
laziness, and everything in your lives that is not in line with Mew. All
darkness must go Children. Love not the world, and neither be entangled in it,
but cut the cords of any worldly desires, and attach yourself instead to Me.
All that is not rightly attached to Me, will ultimately pull you away from
My light is piercing into everything. My
light is uncovering all that is hidden, all that is falsely veiled, all that is
a lie, and all that is distracting you, and is also revealing those things that
lead many astray. I am the Light, and I am the Truth, and my truth is searching
your inward parts. I am looking to see what truth you cling to today. I am
looking to see what you believe, and in whom you believe. I am looking for
faith, but I am looking for truth, and this searching of My light, will deal
with all that is not right. I am cleaning up your temples, so that I can come
in more, I want to live in the fullness of who you are, and not just a section
of you that you are comfortable with. I want all of you, so my light is
increasing, and it will get even more intense, even as the summer advances you
will feel the heat of my searching eyes.
I am looking into everything, so that I can
see myself within you, and when I can see Myself fully formed in you, and also
clearly reflected within you, then I will be satisfied. All that are around you
will know that I am truly your first, and only love and desire. I will also
know that no part of the world is left in you, and then I can trust My great
power to flow though you untaintedly. I am after a people. I am after you. I
want to release My greatness through you. Give yourself to Me completely. Give
Me those inner recesses that lay deep within you, and let them be filled with
My light. I want to fill you, and flood you, with the complete and accurate
knowledge of Myself. I want nothing to cloud our union. So my light shall
magnify, and I shall greatly clarify, and I will sift through all that is within
you, because I am after all of you!
My hand is moving stronger in your midst,
because I have found within you a willingness to yield to Me completely, and
this is pleasing to Me. You must yield even more, for I am going to come
stronger, and stronger, and I will remain in your midst longer, and longer,
until all is made new in you, then I will rearrange all things around you, and
then this whole city will change. I am stepping you all out in My great plan
for this city. As you change, the city will change, for you are the light of
this city. If your light is dim, then the city's light is dim, but if your
light is bright, then the city's sight will also become bright. What I am doing
through you, is also being done throughout the city as you go. For I dwell in
the hearts and lives of men. I am awakening you to My reality, and I am also
awakening this city to my reality. I shall shake you more, and as you shake
with My Glory, the city shall shake. As you break free, this city shall break
free. As you cry out to Me, and surrender more to Me, then so shall this city,
because the light that you have illuminates them, so that they can cry out to
Me too.
Know that I am advancing in your midst, and
as I do the unusual things among you, and as I continue to work My strange
works through you, that is will be a result of My light that is lit within you,
and the greater My light, the more that I will be seen. So, I am coming with
greater intensity this summer. I am coming for a people. I am coming to shake a
people, a city, a nation. I am coming for a glorious Habitation. I am going to
shake you, and illuminate you, and radiate through you like never before, for I
am after the hearts, even their very core! I shall open the nations very hearts
door! It is time. It is harvest time. I am wielding My sword. I am wielding My
bow. I am wielding My weapons of war, and I will unlock the depths of your
hearts core, for I am after more! I am your God, and I will dwell fully within
your nation again. So let Me fully in, and know that My light shall shine among
men! You shall be radiant from within, but also among men, you are My Church,
and you shall light the way to Me!
This shall be a summer of intensity, and it
shall be a summer of liberty, for I have come to set the captives free. All
that are hungry, that long for my rich love, shall see through the false
things, and they shall break forth and run, for I shall reveal all that has
continued to lie to them and to steal. I have come that men would find and have
life. I have come to pierce through the dark night. I have come to give men
true sight. I have come to make war as the God of Might! I have come to shine
with a great, great light, so that all may know that I am in the midst of this
place, and so that men will come to Me and seek My face. Arise and shine, for
your light has come, and My Glory has risen within you, and also upon you, and
in that Glory you shall see more clearly, and walk freely, and speak powerfully
for Me. For I shall harvest men through your obedience and through your
transparency of Me!
Let go, and let Me shine, and know that I
have come to heal all that are mine. I am healing you from within and from
without. All that you currently struggle with and all that you do not yet
grasp, will clarify in My increasing light. I will teach you what you do not
yet know, and I will mature you as you go, but you must trust Me in the
intensifying flow. I have told you before hand so that you will know that this
coming intensity is Me, so that your trust in Me will become stronger, so that
you will walk in peace through all that will change around you. I am with you.
I am in you. I am among you all. I am working my works as you all go. I am
breaking forth, and as you all break forth, together we shall walk in the Light
of My Father, who is the Head of all things.
Rejoice Children, for your light has come,
and all shall be thoroughly shaken, but all shall be made new, and you shall
rejoice with Me all the way through, for the Father has marked you for this
purpose, and He has chosen you to run with His Glory in this generation. You
are the Light bearers who are to show the way to the Son. You shall stand, and
you shall be brilliant Beacons for Me throughout the summer of intensity, and I
shall stir the nations heart, and it shall open to Me more, and through this
door I shall increasingly pour, for I shall heal all that is fully given over
to Me. I am searching every nation, and every nation will come under my intense
scrutiny, but within that gaze, they shall find the Ancient of Days. I shall
thoroughly terrify and amaze as I reveal Myself to all who will yield their
lives to Me. I shall have nations that shine with Me from sea to sea! You will
determine if this is your final destiny, for every nation will be awakened, shaken,
and will walk in the measure of the light that they receive from Me. But with
you, I shall shine greater and greater in the new day that has come, and My
will on earth shall be entirely done! It has begun!
Ephesians 3:16 May He grant
you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced
with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling
your innermost being and personality]. 17 May Christ through your faith
[actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts!
May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, 18 That you may
have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God's
devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and
height and depth [of it]; 19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, through
experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere
knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being]
unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine
Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! AMP
Daniel 7:21 As I looked, this
horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them 22 Until the Ancient of
Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High [God], and the
time came when the saints possessed the kingdom. AMP
Matthew 5:14 "Here's
another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in
the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as
public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm
going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now
that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house;
be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open
up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
-Susan O'Marra -06-16-13