Saturday, April 22, 2023

“Fishing in the Boat with Jesus upon the Turbulent Sea Encounter” 4-22-23

“Fishing in the Boat with Jesus upon the Turbulent Sea Encounter” 4-22-23

Jesus took me by the hand and said, “Lets go fishing Sue. The boats all ready.” I looked and the big wooden fishing boat was waiting at the shoreline of the Sea. Jesus untied the rope that was anchored to the shoreline, and we climbed into the boat. The boat smelled of fish and bait, and ropes and seawater. I sighed and smiled to myself; I love the sea! We climbed over the various nautical things lying in the boat bottom and sat on the wooden platform by the mast with its white sails. I looked at Jesus and said, “If we are going fishing where is the fishing gear, the poles, and bait and things needed to catch fish? I don’t see any nets either.” Jesus nodded and grinned widely. “We don’t need them on this trip Sue! I’ve got another way that is more pertinent to your times. Come, let’s go out into the deep!” With that the boat slowly moved out into the waters. The sails dancing merrily in the breeze and I looked out towards the deep.

Suddenly the sky darkened and the water became choppy as the winds began to blow harder. I grabbed the bench tighter to steady myself, and looked at the Lord who was looking steadily at the sea with a firm look on his face. The choppier the waters became the more nervous I became. I said, “Lord, are you sure we can fish in these turbulent waters?” Jesus then turned to me and nodded, “Oh yes! The fish are ready to be drawn into the boat now.” Then He turned and looked back at the sea. I looked around me and thought, “How will we draw them in, there are no nets!” Suddenly I saw a fish jump in the turbulence of the waters. I looked and saw it was a really big fish, but it was grotesque and deformed. It looked sick or really aged. After this more fish started jumping in the waters. They were all the same, deformed, and stressed or aged. Some were bent in unusual shapes. Some had enlarged heads. Some were missing fins. I was amazed that most of these fish were messed up. Some had a strange film clinging to them, they looked pale and sickly. Surely we weren’t going to fish for these!

The weather grew steadily worse and I was clinging to the side of the bench and holding onto the mast so I wouldn’t land in the bottom of the boat with the rest of the gear that was now being tossed around. Jesus took me by the hand and said, “Don’t be alarmed Sue, this fishing trip is for all of you. Watch! See what I am going to do!” I looked out to the sea again and the turbulence was even higher and there were so many fish jumping that it was almost fascinating to watch, but the fish were all grotesque and misshapen, and most were sickly looking with spots on them and cuts. Then I saw one of the jumping fish jump so high that it landed in the boat beside us. It was bent in its body and beat up and had sick spots all over it. Its eyes were bulging, and it was breathing wildly. It saw the Lord looking down at it and I saw the most amazing thing happen, it seemed like the fish knew who Jesus was, and it laid quietly at his feet. I saw its breathing slow, and its color changed into a glistening silver, its eyes no longer bulged, and its physical shape relaxed, and it became a beautiful fish.

I looked at the Lord in surprise. He motioned for me to look out to sea again. I looked and the most violent of storms had taken our ship really far into the sea and you could not see the shore anymore. I was quite alarmed. The Lord just smiled, and said, “The best part is coming up! Relax Sue, this is going to be quite a haul!” I was not sure how this was going to be a haul, but I nervously still clung to him anyways. The fish were jumping so much in the turbulent waters that they looked like jumping beans. All of the fish were still misshapen and sickly. Suddenly I saw another fish landed in the boat, and another. The same thing happened. When the fish landed in the boat, they took on the same transformation and laid calmly in the boat at the feet of Jesus and me. Then more fish laned in the boat. It seems like the message was clear to the fish in the sea, jump in the boat! Suddenly the fish were jumping in so much that our boat was filling up with wriggling fish, who were unfolding, flipping, and changing all around us. I was so caught up in this spectacle that I did not see that the seas were calming down. We were sitting chest deep in fish!

Jesus was laughing merrily. I was not so happy about hundreds of fish squeezing in on me and smelling! I said, “What is happening here? What are we doing with these fish, and are we going to sink now that we have a ship full of fish?” Jesus looked at me, and said, “Sue, look at the fish all around you.” I looked, and all of the fish were now calmly laying there breathing on their own. They were no longer sickly, grotesque or bulging. They had peaceful eyes, and they were being gentle and rested among us. Even though we were chest deep in fish I could move my hands and I lost all of my fear. I knew we were not going to sink. I relaxed and Jesus let go of my hand. He said, “Well did you enjoy the fishing today?” He did not give me time to answer that. He waved his arms out towards the sea, and he said, “This is the agitations of the nations in your day. The stress and the fear that comes from the world have affected the peoples until many no longer know who they are but have been affected by the systems of this world and the societal changes being forced upon them. Many hearts have hardened. Many minds have become bent and warped by trauma and pain. The thinking of many people have become calloused and cynical. When people lose their sight of Me, and when they no longer love the truth, they will be influenced and shaped by the world around them, and they will be tossed in their hearts and minds by the ever changing influences and rulers of this world. This is not to be!”

“The shaking of this world will increase, but I am in the midst of these, and I will be found by those who are seeking for Me. I am not far from any of them. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and those who are seeking for Me shall find Me. The seas of Adversity that you see here will also be the very place of My Great Grace. You won’t need a fishing pole or a net to catch men, Sue, My Presence will draw them. The Harvest belongs to Me. I know where every fish is in the deep and I know each and every circumstance they are going through. I know just when to draw them in. Agitation is a great motivation as it awakens men from their slumber, and they begin to search for the truth again. Many are now looking for My Rest. It’s time for the realignment of the nations to accelerate even more and the winds of change and turbulence will increase as the nation’s wrestle for supremacy, but they do not see Me! They will be unable to take control of what belongs to Me. Watch now, for what I will do even among all of you, for this all belongs to Me! I will fish among you all supernaturally and you will see the accelerated transformation of all that enter into My boat. I will set My men free!”

As He was speaking, the waters grew calm, the breeze became gentle, and the Lord was grinning wildly looking at me covered in fish. He motioned at the large catch, and said, “Watch! This first catch is holy and is My first fruits. It belongs to Me.” Suddenly the whole catch of fish vanished right in front of us! I stood up and looked around, they were all gone. There was no smell or sign of any fish at all. Jesus then stood up, and said, “The next great catches belong to all of you. Do not be influenced by the agitation that comes from the worldly events that you will see- but continue to keep your eyes upon Me and upon what I am doing among you! The Glory of My Presence will increase, and those who are hungry and thirsty will be drawn to Me. The greatest Era of Harvest and Transformation is upon you! Love those who I send to you. Help them navigate the turbulent waters. Remember, you all are to heal them, deliver them, and set them free. Raise them up to also be fishers of men. Raise them up to be lovers of the truth. Raise them up to be worshippers of Me. Raise them up to be free from fear this year! You are going to love this, Sue! Remember I am always with all of you!”

With that, our boat was suddenly back to the shore…..


Daniel 7:2 Daniel said, I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of the heavens [political and social agitations] were stirring up the great sea [the nations of the world].
Hebrews 12:27 Now this expression, Yet once more, indicates the final removal and transformation of all [that can be] shaken—that is, of that which has been created—in order that what cannot be shaken may remain and continue.
Jeremiah 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people restored? [Because Zion no longer enjoyed the presence of the Great Physician!]
Matthew 4:19 And He said to them, Come after Me [as disciples—letting Me be your Guide], follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!

- Susan G O’Marra
- 04-22-23

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Song of the Bees Encounter 04-18-23

“The Song of the Bees” Encounter 04-18-23

Jacob says with outstretched hands, “Sue, the bees are missing you.” I grab his hands and suddenly we are in the massive field of flowers in Heaven again. The sky is blue and the flowers are all radiant, and the smells are so heavy with rich aromas and the flowers are all singing to us. The bees fly over to us and I laugh and hold out my hands and the bees all land all over me joyously. I sit down in the field and I am covered from head to toes with happy bees. Jacob laughs at the sight of me. He knows I love the bees!

Suddenly Jesus comes and says, “Well Sue you are such a happy sight! He’s also laughing, and he sits down next to me, and all of the bees go over to him and sit on him happily! I said, “Hey! No fair!” Jesus says, “Well let’s fix that!” He’s slides over and sits inside of me, and we both get to enjoy them frolicking all over us together. The bees are so happy they begin to sing this song:

“The Song of the Bees”

The sweetness of His Glorious Name
Given freely unto all from above
Filled with Loves golden dew and rain 
Sent just for me and for you again

Flowers formed from Fathers hand
So that men would understand 
Heavens fragrances richly sown
Blooming and wafting unto his own

Servants sharing and sowing his love
Flowers unto hives, hearts unto lives
Each one tasting uniquely of him
Sweet treasures wafting from Him 

Awakening freshly blooming all around
Rich honey of transformation shall abound 
The seekers shall follow His sweet sound
As the bees pollinate them healing will be found

Look, listen for the harvest bees song
Taste and see His goodness blooming all day long
Honey from heaven is wafting in the air 
Climb up higher, lovely ones so fair!

Come and taste of His golden mysteries
Love so grand, it changes histories
Your days are written by His hand
It’s time to rise as His fragrances fly!

The vision is over, the greater adventures begin!

- Susan G O’Marra
- 04-18-23

Monday, April 3, 2023

“The Angel named Faithful Companion” 04-02-23


“The Angel named Faithful Companion” 04-02-23

During worship tonight at SOG, a massive Angel descended into the building and he was taller than the room, and he had massive wings full of white feathers, and his body was covered in feathers, and there were branches of wings and feathers coming out of him stretching out like a canopy over the room.

His name was “Faithful Companion”

His message he brought to us from the Father was:

“Step into My Wings. Step into My Feathers. Step into My Secret Place, into which you will know My deeper embrace. I call you to set your face into this Grace, for I am the Overshadowing Faithful Companion. I am always with you and Ever-Present. I am Faithful and I am True! Do not allow your heart to be troubled. Do not allow your spirit to fear, and tremble, and be anxious this year. Do you not know that I am always here? I am always with you. I am faithful and true! I am the deepest companion you will know, for I am within you! I am with you. I am among you, and I am moving, but I call you to My embrace! I call you to step into My Face, for you have been given the grace to walk in that intimate place. You are called to walk in the feathers of My embrace! For I am your companion in your race. I am your companion. I am faithful. I am calling you into companionship with Me. Do not look around and be in fear, and anxiety. Let not your hearts be troubled! For have I not made a way for you today? Am I not the way for all men? Am I not the way, the truth, and the life for you?”

“My feathers cover you because you belong to Me, and you will walk in stability in My deep intimacy, and you will be a reflection of Me in the earth, and I will draw all men to My bosom. I will draw them in, My feathers are open. Can you not hear My voice calling you into My embrace? Do you not know My companionship? Do you not know My Face? Come into the Secret Place and walk with Me in this hour! I am your Safety! I am your Strength! I am the Glory that Overshadows you! I am your Peace! I am your Joy! I am your Strength! My Wings shall cover you! My Wings are spread out. Do not fear. Do not doubt, but trust in Me! Walk securely in Me, and know that I am with you, and that My angels are all around you! Do not fear but enter into My deep love this year! Enter into My companionship that is dear! Walk in liberty, in My safety, in My freedom this year. Know that I am with you. Know, and embrace My companion that is with you in this place.”


Psalm 25:14 The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its [deep, inner] meaning. [John 7:17; 15:15.]

1 Corinthians 1:9 God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.

John 14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me.

Psalms 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust! 3 For [then] He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. 4 [Then] He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler. 5 You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day, 6 Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. 8 Only a spectator shall you be [yourself inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High] as you witness the reward of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place, 10 There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. 11 For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service]. 12 They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone. 13 You shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall you trample underfoot. 14 Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness—trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him, no, never]. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.

- Susan G O’Marra
- 04-02-23

Sunday, April 2, 2023

4-1-23 Prophecy given during the Prayer meeting at SOG

4-1-23 Prophecy given during the Prayer meeting at SOG:


“Children it is a time to agree with Me and not to agree with the enemy and not to agree with man and not to agree with those that are not like Me. They do not know the things ahead, they do not know the things I have planned, they do not know even the things that are at hand. And I have given authority to you in your land. I have given authority to My bride, to My Church that sits in My Throne by My side. I have given authority to you in the earth. I have given authority to you in the nations. I have given authority to you to decree My declarations.”

“Do not look to the left or the right. Do not worry and be afraid of the night, but look at Me and hear the things I would say to you and do the things I show to you and agree with Me. For My Words shall go forth in the earth, My words shall shake the earth. And my words shall realign the earth as you agree with Me. For My Church is running in fear But where are those that would draw near? Where are those that would settle down? And hear clear. Where are those that would agree with Me? For if they would agree with Me I would give you victory. I would calm the troubled seas.”

“I am looking and I am listening to those that are on their knees but will not do as they please, but will recognize the hour but will stand faithfully with me in the prayer tower. These are the ones that will know My power. You are faithful in My house. You are faithful. You answered My call. You came aside because you heard My call and I say to you, you are faithful before Me. And to you, I will look and to you I will listen and to you I will move. And I will show My hand on behalf of you. And I will strengthen you. And I will give you great courage when others courage fails, you will prevail. You will prevail because you stood with Me. And you answered My call when I reached out. And do not carry the burdens that are not yours. Do not carry the weights that are not yours but walk with Me in my house of prayer. For the burdens that I bear are mine But as you agree with Me they shall be lifted right on time. But do not get caught up in the turmoil, In all the activity. Get caught up in Me. Stay focused on Me. Listen for My voice. Look for My hand.”

“Focus and understand things are going to greatly shake in all the lands But you will walk in My peace. You will walk in My joy. You will walk in My strength. You will walk in My Presence. And you will accomplish much with Me because you serve Me faithfully, because you and I agree. I will give you more authority. And you will steward My house well. And you will build My house with Me so that More can come in and seek My face. This is why I gave you this place. This is why I’ve built this place in this city. A place of Grace to seek My face. A place to agree with Me In the heavens and in the earth so that I could accomplish My plan. Stand children, stand. And do not falter, and do not look around, and do not fear. My angels are with you this year. I set you in your places in this region, I set you here, I set you there, and all of you together are My house of prayer and your not going anywhere. You are My strong towers and with Me you have power. And My angels are with you, and they will harken to your words and they will see them done cause you and I are one.”

- Susan G O'Marra
- 04-01-23