Saturday, April 17, 2021

“Transcript of the Nations Harvest Scroll Prophecy given during the SOG Prayer Watch on 4-17-21”


“Transcript of the Nations Harvest Scroll Prophecy given during the SOG Prayer Watch on 4-17-21”

Opening Visions:

Mary Ann: I see 4 angels; they are above us as a canopy. I see that the Holy Spirit has directed them to do that. The Holy Spirit is calling the angels to come and pray with us.

Susan: I see the angels standing here. There are many angels, with one angel in the center, and many angels are all around him. He has what looks like a velvet pouch. He’s opening the pouch and he is pulling out our nations scroll.

The Father speaks:

“Children, men have planned, and they have purposed to not only divide this land, but to destroy this land by their plans. Just as they tried to divide My sons robe when He hung on the cross in obedience to Me, so they have gathered, and they are gambling to divide your robe in this hour. To rend it and to burn it before all other nations as a trophy. But I say to you, the only trophy they will have will be their destruction. For I caused this nation to be born for My purpose in the earth.”

“I made My covenant with your forefathers, and they were not perfect men, but they were inspired by Me to begin. Then the enemy came in and began to slowly erode what I laid down. But I say to you, I am watching with you. I am agreeing with you. I have a plan, and Children, My plan goes back to the very beginning when I spoke everything into existence. The enemy does not know My plans! They do not know My eternal purposes for many lands! They do not know that I hold the nations in My hand! The enemy does not know My end-time plans. He can only see as far as My church will see and decree, because as he listens to the words out of your mouth, he knows what is going to be, and so he will set himself up to sabotage everything that is prayed. But I want to say! Ha ha, he does not know everything that is coming his way! Because I am Yahweh!”

“I am Yahweh, and I am the God of this nation, and the nations, and My Angel armies are in their stations! Watch My Wave as it comes across this land! Do not be afraid at the threats of man! Do not be afraid at the things the enemy would want to display in the coming weeks and months in their way. They do not understand what I am about to do, because Children, I am with you! I am with you in this hour because you have stayed true to My scroll. You have stayed true to your role. You have stood even as a few in the center of My palm. Watch My hand! Watch what I do across your land. Watch My fires fan! Watch, My shakings shake this land. Your nation has never been shaken in this manner that it will be, but they will remember Me in their hour. They will remember Me as a God of Power! They will acknowledge Me and turn to Me in their most dire hour, because then their hearts will be ready to receive Me, and you must not fear! You must understand My Hand is here! I am in this land, and I shall possess this land. I am laying out My Harvest Carpet before your eyes, and every seed has already been sown.”

“The Winds of Change has already been blown. The rains have begun to come in this hour, and you will see My power. For the enemy shall cower, and they shall bow before Me because I am the Harvester. I am the One that will harvest the nations. I am the One that wrote the scroll for this nation, and no man and no devil can take that scroll out of My hand, and I have entrusted it to you. I have entrusted it to My Remnant that are connected to you around the world. I have given this nations’ scroll into your hands because you stand in your prayer command, and as you continue to agree with Me, you will see victory, after victory, after victory on your bended knee, because My angels fight for thee. They fight for your land, and they fight for the Republic, for her destiny is at hand.” -End.

Exodus 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty [El-Shaddai], but by My name the Lord [Yahweh—the redemptive name of God] I did not make Myself known to them [in acts and great miracles].

- Susan G O’Marra

- 04-17-21

"Watch For My Rains!" - 4-17-21


"Watch For My Rains!" - 4-17-21

Watch for My rains!
My rain shall come and fall
My rain shall flow and shall swell
My rain shall begin to form and pool
And shall form brand new wells
For what I am about to release
No man from the past can tell

Tears unto Me have fallen
Hearts unto Me have been calling
The searching of hearts has begun
Feet shall turn and to Me they will run
Would I not answer the prostrate ones?
Would I not send My storms to come?
Watch for they have begun!

- Susan G O'Marra
- 4-17-21