Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Angel with the Ledger from the Courts of Heaven - 07-13-24


The Angel with the Ledger from the Courts of Heaven - 07-13-24

I was talking with another minister today, and I saw an angel standing there by him in the Spirit. I immediately felt that he represents Gods leaders that have been laboring and praying in hiddenness for this past season, so I am posting this in obedience to the Holy Spirit.
The angel was clothed with long golden robes down to his feet, with a high collar, blond hair, and a long golden chain tied by his waist. He had a golden ledger in his hands that was attached to the golden chains. He had been documenting all that Gods people have been doing in obedience to the Lord.
He is assigned to those who have labored in hiddenness, to see that the Fathers will is accomplished. He is a high official angel sent from the courts. He enforces legislation on believer's behalf to see that what has been written in the courts legislation for them will be brought forth to them in the proper timing for their upcoming assignments and new alignments.
Be encouraged those of you who have been in a time of waiting on the Lord, some things that have been against you are being overturned on your behalf from the courts of heaven and the angel is there to see that your full parts come to you!
A new season is upon you! The longstanding warfare and the turbulent resistance have only served to make you stronger, and now you are ready to go the distance even longer!
Look ahead now, know that it has been legislated for you, and walk forwards in faith for the provision for the way has been laid out. The ledgers are being delivered!
- 07-13-24

Saturday, July 6, 2024

“Prophecy of Birthing the New in the 6 Month Cycle given at SOG on 07-05-24”

 “Prophecy of Birthing the New in the 6 Month Cycle given at SOG on 07-05-24”

(Transcribed from the meeting. July - Dec 6 month Cycle)

The Lord speaks:
“Just as the angels came at a certain time that year to Zechariah and to Mary and interrupted their course, and gave them an invitation for participation by revelation, but it needed an activation. It needed their yes. It needed their access. But even still, the angel’s words came for such a time as that to fulfill what was written for their day. Understand what I say, My angels are coming again in your time. Now the cycles are coming back into align, and in your day, it will be a sign. It’s your time. For the angels are being sent with an announcement that you would step into a new role and would birth a new manifestation for the purpose of harvesting the nations, and their words are not just doors. Their words are set in stone. Their words shall come to pass as they have spoken, and you have been chosen. Will you agree with Me when the angels come and reveal themselves to you? When they come and speak into your ear? When they come, will you say yes, even if you don’t understand the assignment? Because the wheels have turned, and your generation is going to learn, that now it’s your time. It’s harvest time, and My harvesting angels are on the earth. They are looking for the sons and daughters that will give them birth. Will you let Me overshadow you? For the words that you have received as seeds from Me in the past, I am going to now germinate them quickly. I am going to begin to rain upon them, and blow upon them, and flow upon them, and grow them suddenly. They will come to pass in their cycle, for it is your time, and you will be a divine sign, and the nations will realign in your day, for the part that you all will play. Because I have come to visit you in this hour, and now it’s your time to say yes, for My angels of power are here.”
Luke 1:11 And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. 12 And when Zachariah saw him, he was troubled, and fear took possession of him. 13 But the angel said to him, Do not be afraid, Zachariah, because your petition was heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you must call his name John [God is favorable].
Luke 1:19 And the angel replied to him, I am Gabriel. I stand in the [very] presence of God, and I have been sent to talk to you and to bring you this good news. 20 Now behold, you will be and will continue to be silent and not able to speak till the day when these things take place, because you have not believed what I told you; but my words are of a kind which will be fulfilled in the appointed and proper time.
Luke 1:26 Now in the sixth month [after that], the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 To a girl never having been married and a virgin engaged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph, a descendant of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And he came to her and said, Hail, O favored one [endued with grace]! The Lord is with you! Blessed (favored of God) are you before all other women! 29 But when she saw him, she was greatly troubled and disturbed and confused at what he said and kept revolving in her mind what such a greeting might mean. 30 And the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace (free, spontaneous, absolute favor and loving-kindness) with God. 31 And listen! You will become pregnant and will give birth to a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus.
Luke 1:34 And Mary said to the angel, How can this be, since I have no [intimacy with any man as a] husband? 35 Then the angel said to her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you [like a shining cloud]; and so the holy (pure, sinless) Thing (Offspring) which shall be born of you will be called the Son of God. 36 And listen! Your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is now the sixth month with her who was called barren. 37 For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. 38 Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said. And the angel left her.
- Susan G O’Marra -07-05-24

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Angel with the Clock and the 12 Stones of the Nations Vision – 07-05-24


The Angel with the Clock and the 12 Stones of the Nations Vision – 07-05-24

We were on a video call today with another prophet and there was one point in the conversation that we all began to agree in prayer with the Lord’s purposes for the realigning of the nation's according to His design. I then saw an angel come and stand in the room with us and this angel had a pointed hat on his head kind of like an upside-down V, and he had a big clock face strapped onto his chest. This clock face had straps on it much like the ephod has. Two straps on the shoulders and two straps around the waist, were holding the clock face like it would hold an ephod. The clock face had 12 round gemstones, each one was different, and each one set in its particular position by the Lord.
As we were agreeing with the Lord’s purposes for the nations, I saw the angel then reach down with one hand and he touched the clock face and started the clock hands moving on the face. The 12 stones began to light up as the clock hands moved around the dial one at a time. The hands then moved faster, and I instantly knew that it began an accelerated prophetic season for the realignment of the nations. The Lord is going to realign the nations according to their end time harvest design. Divine timing for a divine realigning!
Also, 12 nations are being highlighted in this vision. It doesn’t mean that only 12 will move into a new season, but I sense that it is also a sign of governmental acceleration, and many are going to break free of the old bands that have dictated to them what they should be. Many governmental seats will continue to change, and many alliances will rearrange. Many nations are going to begin to stand up and become who they are destined by God to be. It’s going to be a whirlwind season!
Also, Daniel is being highlighted also, because the angel came to him to show him future alignments in his day, and the Lord will also visit his people now in our day that are praying for wisdom today, to show us His future purposes for the nations. Our future scroll is written, but it is up to us to agree and align with heaven, and then to steward what the Lord reveals to us all. May we all set our eyes upon the King, and listen to what He will bring, for God’s Suddenlies are going to spring forth!
- (the pic I found on google is not the angel, but only used as an illustration for context.)
- Susan G O’Marra
- -07-05-24

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Ox and the Harvest Wagon Visions – July 4, 2024

 The Ox and the Harvest Wagon Visions – July 4, 2024

In the month of June, I had two very clear visions that stunned me because they were so real and sudden. Both times, I was lying on the platform at the church just resting in the Lord’s presence before the meetings. I think I shared these visions in our meetings.
Vision #1:
In the vision, in the middle of June, I closed my eyes as I was lying there, and suddenly there was a massive ox looking at me. His face was huge, and his eyes were so gentle. I knew He was the Ox faced Cherubim. He was breathing into my face, as his nose was right close to mine. He didn’t do anything but look at me. It startled me at its suddenness that I sat right up. I knew instinctively that the ox ix speaking of the harvest and that the evangelistic call is being offered to all of the Body.
Vision #2:
The end of June, I was again lying on the platform, and in the vision, I saw an ox pulling a wagon. This ox was big, and it was tethered to the wagon with a golden bridle and with golden ropes. The ox still looked at me with his soft eyes. I could see that someone was holding the ropes behind the ox. I looked closer and I saw that it was the Lord. He was grinning at me, and He waved His arms at Me, and said, ‘Well, what do you think?”
I said, “I thought oxen pulled plows to get the ground ready for planting.” Jesus shook His head, and He got down from His seat on the wagon and walked closer to me. He said, “No, the ground is already plowed, sown, and is ready to be reaped.” He rubbed the side of the oxen’s face lovingly, and the ox gently mooed at Him.
Then He said, “This wagon is for all of you. You all are going to gather in the grain from fields that you didn’t plow or plant. It’s time for the workers to be hired. I want My people to know that the fields are ready. You are not to be afraid, and as you obey you each will inherit the fields of others and bring it in for Me.”

He then took me by the hand and we both walked up to the wagon, and He helped me to get in. We sat down, and Jesus took the reins, and I looked out across the lands, and I saw golden fields of ripe grain shining in the sunlight. Jesus smiled and said, “It’s time to gather in the grains before the coming rains, let’s begin for the golden plains are indeed ready!” I was then out of the vision.
John 4:36 Already the reaper is getting his wages [he who does the cutting now has his reward], for he is gathering fruit (crop) unto life eternal, so that he who does the planting and he who does the reaping may rejoice together. 37 For in this the saying holds true, One sows and another reaps. 38 I sent you to reap a crop for which you have not toiled. Other men have labored and you have stepped in to reap the results of their work.
Matthew 25:23 His master said to him, Well done, you upright (honorable, admirable) and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy (the delight, the blessedness) which your master enjoys. 24 He who had received one talent also came forward, saying, Master, I knew you to be a harsh and hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you had not winnowed [the grain]. 25 So I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is your own.
Matthew 13:38 The field is the world, and the good seed means the children of the kingdom; the darnel is the children of the evil one, 39 And the enemy who sowed it is the devil. The harvest is the close and consummation of the age, and the reapers are angels.
Amos 9:13 Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine and all the hills shall melt [that is, everything heretofore barren and unfruitful shall overflow with spiritual blessing].

I had forgotten about it, and just tonight, the Lord said to go post it now. So here it is......... it's time to obey His instructions and begin! He has provided everything for you.
- Susan G O’Marra

Sunday, June 30, 2024

“The Many-Faced Activity of the Lord in Our Lands Prophecy given at SOG on 06-28-24”


“The Many-Faced Activity of the Lord in Our Lands Prophecy given at SOG on 06-28-24”

Susan shares the Vision:
In the vision during the worship on Friday night, I saw the Lord at a distance. And as we were singing to Him, and calling Him, He began to come closer, and closer, and closer, as we were crying out, “Lord we want to see you.” I then saw Him walk into a crowd of His people that were crying out for Him. As He then stepped into them, they became different things. Some of them became golden. Some of them became silver. Some of them became fire, and a few of them became living beings, they had eyes swirling all through them.
The Lord will come to the degree that we want Him to come. He will come with His fullness if we desire it enough, if we let Him come all the way in. We are those Living Stones full of His Eyes. We are those living beings that He looks through, because He is the living One. It’s His eyes looking through us. Lord, open our eyes we want to see you, and then, look through us Lord, to all those around us! It is such an intimate atmosphere here tonight. He will come in to the degree that we let Him. His heart was full. I could feel His desire. The Lord is hungrier for you than you are for Him. He is so excited to come in. Make room for Him! The Lord is purifying us and transforming us all of us by His indwelling Presence. We are His living stones.
Zechariah 3:7 Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and keep My charge, then also you shall rule My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you access [to My presence] and places to walk among these who stand here. 8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your colleagues who [usually] sit before you—for they are men who are a sign or omen [types of what is to come]—for behold, I will bring forth My servant the Branch. 9 For behold, upon the stone which I have set before Joshua, upon that one stone are seven eyes or facets [the all-embracing providence of God and the sevenfold radiations of the Spirit of God]. Behold, I will carve upon it its inscription, says the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity and guilt of this land in a single day.
Daniel 7:9 I kept looking until thrones were placed [for the assessors with the Judge], and the Ancient of Days [God, the eternal Father] took His seat, Whose garment was white as snow and the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was like the fiery flame; its wheels were burning fire. 10 A stream of fire came forth from before Him; a thousand thousands ministered to Him and ten thousand times ten thousand rose up and stood before Him; the Judge was seated [the court was in session] and the books were opened.
Ezekiel 10:9 And I looked and behold, there were four wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel beside one cherub and another wheel beside another cherub; and the appearance of the wheels was like sparkling chrysolite. 10 And as for their appearance, they four looked alike, as if a wheel had been within a wheel. 11 When they went, they went in any one of the four directions [in which their four individual faces were turned]; they did not turn as they went, but to the place to which the front wheel faced the others followed; they turned not as they went. 12 And their whole body, their backs, their hands, and their wings, and the wheels, were full of eyes round about, even the wheels that each had. 13 As regarding the wheels [attached to them], they were called in my hearing the whirling wheels.
God’s desire is that we be the living expression, the gold, the silver, the fire, but the fullness of His desire is that we are one. He sees through us, and we see through Him. Wherever the head looks- Jesus is the head- the body will also. His 4 faces that are spinning and turning- which is the activity of the Holy Spirit moving in the realm and dimensions of time. The Lord is looking to see who is looking for Him. Wherever the Spirit goes- wherever He is looking- the angels go, the Holy Spirit goes, the cherubim go, and we go. It’s a picture of God coming in His fullness so that we will follow and that we will flow in His flow. Wherever the head, Jesus, is looking, if we are full of His eyes, and He is looking through us, the angels go, the Spirit goes, we go. Then He can accomplish the fullness of His plan.
The Lord speaks:
“There is a greater activation. There’s a greater impartation. There’s a greater revelation. There’s a greater habitation coming into this nation, because she has lost her direction. She has lost her way, but I am calling her. I am drawing her back to Me. She will find her sense of direction in Me, when she calls out to Me, “Lord, open my eyes, we want to see. Open our ears, we want to hear. Open our hearts, we want to draw near. Fill us with your fear. Fill us with the awe of you this year. Hear what I say! I am already here! I am working out My will in those that will surrender. In those that will be full of My lightnings, and My thunders. Those that will be full of My eyes and My fire. Those that will be full of My desire.”
“Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear? Do you smell what I smell? Do you feel what I feel? Do you taste what I taste? Taste and see that I am good! Taste and see that this is Me, and know I am working out My will. Do not be led astray by the opinions, and by what men want this day, but ask Me to come closer. Ask Me to come in. Ask Me to fully abide, and you will understand who I am in this land. You will understand, and I have a plan. My people must step into Me for you to hear Me clearly, and see me accurately, and know what I am going to do. You are My reflection in this nation. You are My hands. You are My feet. You are My mouth. You are My heart. It’s time for My living ones, who are full of My eyes, to start. Surrender to Me. Quickly, surrender and open wide.”
“My Cherubim are already in the land. They are already whirling around you, but we are coming in. Can you feel My Wind? Can you feel Me? Open wide and ask Me to come in! For My eyes will begin to spin, and you will look again, and you will suddenly see what you could not see before. You will suddenly hear what you could not hear before. You will suddenly expand, with who I am, and then you will be able to stand, and then you will be able to command the things I am going to do in this land. Hear what I am saying! You are My living ones. You are My mighty ones. You are the ones that will stand. You are the ones that will be given the higher commands. You are the ones that move with the angelic hosts. Stand in your posts, and do not look around, and do not listen, and do not consider what men are doing in this hour! But look through My eyes, and I will look through yours, and you will see the fullness of who I am going to be.”
A Previous Word:
“I am going the flip the Scripts of man that are not part of My plans” - 06-21-24
“I am going to flip the scripts of those who think they know what I have planned for your generation, and of those who think they know exactly what I am going to do in your days. Men do not know who I am, nor do they know that the earth was created by My hand. My Words will indeed stand the passing away of many of men’s plans. Watch!”
“My angels are marching across the lands enforcing My commands, and you are to know that things are about to be flipped in amazing ways, so that man will indeed acknowledge who I am. I am doing a great work, the depths of which cannot be fully understood by those who oppose Me, and by those who say they do know Me but are far from Me! What is man, that they would presume to dethrone Me in this hour! Watch Children, for My works are not yet all revealed, My hidden plans are being unsealed.”
“Draw close to Me Children, and listen closely to Me, for surely you will hear and see, and know these words are indeed Me, for My Eternal Scroll is still in My Hand, and it shall unroll all across the lands, according to My plans. Stand still, let your hearts learn to be still, for by your faith placed firmly in Me, shall you accomplish all that is set for your race. Look straight into My Face! Keep stepping within My Pace, for nothing shall fail of My Word or of my Promises to you as you do! I am with you!”
- Susan G O’Marra
- 06-30-24

Sunday, June 23, 2024

“Entering Into the Deeper Places in Christ within the Garden of Your Hearts” 06-23-24

“Entering Into the Deeper Places in Christ within the Garden of Your Hearts” 06-23-24

 (I typed up the transcript of the opening vision of the garden from Fridays service)

In worship on Friday night:
In the vision, we were all walking in the Garden with the Lord. There were so many angels all around. There were so many angels that were singing with us as we were worshipping Him, as we were walking up and down. Then suddenly, we were walking up and down in Him, and singing through Him. It’s like we were in Him, singing through Him, and the garden was lush, and it was rich, and the angels, in the last two songs, you could hear them singing. They were lined up along the walls.
I heard the Lord say:
“Children, it’s time to live in Me. It’s time to sing in Me. It’s time to shout in Me. It’s time to dance in Me. It’s time to breathe in Me. It’s time to rest in Me. It’s time to live your life in Me, for this world is not your life, I am your life, and My life is flowing in you, unto this world. But draw your attention unto Me in this hour, for My Glory is coming in greater power, for you were touching My heart this night. You were tapping in to the realms, that to you have been as night, but Children, they are going to be bright, and you are going to have new sight, because you are journeying deeper in Me!”
“So let go of the things that would distract you in this hour. Come to Me and live in Me and walk with Me in intimacy. Walk with Me in the garden. Walk with Me in the garden. Walk with Me and know that I am, for you are in the center of My hand, and in My plan, and I want you to understand. Stay in My Rest. Stay in My Joy. Stay in My Peace. Stay in My Love, and wordship Me from above.”
“Can you hear My angels singing over your life? They are singing over you. They are singing My love songs to you. Can you hear them calling you? Can you hear them? They are drawing you near. Come near! Come and hear! Come and see the things He has made for you and me. Come! It’s time Children, come, and enjoy your time with Me!”
Mike saw:
Earlier today while I was in the time of prayer, I saw a vision, and I saw the angel of the Lord in the garden during the time of Adam and Eve.
We are all learning to walk in deeper levels of intimacy with the Lord in the garden of our spirit man, our hearts. It’s a Season of Rest for His Children, because of all of the stress from the duress from everything that is going on in this world. The Lord says, “Get your focus on Me. Tap into Me!” Why? Not only will He set us free, but He will keep us! It’s an invitation to a deeper participation!
The Garden within our hearts, will also water our lives as we learn to walk with Him:
Luke 17:20 Asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He replied to them by saying, The kingdom of God does not come with signs to be observed or with visible display, 21 Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].
Christ has now become the way - the garden within us - and we learn to walk with Him there, and we also draw from Him everything we need in this life, and also we walk in the earth among men, revealing Him to others.
Type and shadow:
Deuteronomy 2:7 For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your walking through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.
The invitation is being given to live within His fuller Spiritual life:
Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).
Romans 8:4 4 So that the righteous and just requirement of the Law might be fully met in us who live and move not in the ways of the flesh but in the ways of the Spirit [our lives governed not by the standards and according to the dictates of the flesh, but controlled by the Holy Spirit]. 5 For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit. 6 Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].
The fruits of our shared love to Him are our words, our thoughts, and our actions which are to be centered upon Him:
Song of Solomon 5:1 I have come into my garden, my sister, my [promised] bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my balsam and spice [from your sweet words I have gathered the richest perfumes and spices]. I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends [feast on, O revelers of the palace; you can never make my lover disloyal to me]! Drink, yes, drink abundantly of love, O precious one [for now I know you are mine, irrevocably mine! With his confident words still thrilling her heart, through the lattice she saw her shepherd turn away and disappear into the night].
The Lord is awakening you to who you truly are, and who He truly is, within you!
John 14:8 Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father [cause us to see the Father—that is all we ask]; then we shall be satisfied. 9 Jesus replied, Have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet, Philip? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say then, Show us the Father? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in Me? What I am telling you I do not say on My own authority and of My own accord; but the Father Who lives continually in Me does the ([a]His) works (His own miracles, deeds of power).
- Susan G O’Marra
- 06-23-24

Friday, June 21, 2024

“I am going the flip the Scripts of man that are not part of My plans”

I am going to flip the scripts of those who think they know what I have planned for your generation, and of those who think they know exactly what I am going to do in your days. Men do not know who I am, nor do they know that the earth was created by My hand. My Words will indeed stand the passing away of many of men’s plans. watch! 

My angels are marching across the lands enforcing My commands, and you are to know that things are about to be flipped in amazing ways, so that man will indeed acknowledge who I am. I am doing a great work, the depths of which cannot be fully understood by those who oppose Me, and by those who say they do know Me but are far from Me! What is man, that they would presume to dethrone Me in this hour! Watch Children, for My works are not yet all revealed, My hidden plans are being unsealed.

Draw close to Me Children, and listen closely to Me, for surely you will hear and see, and know these words are indeed Me, for My Eternal Scroll is still in My Hand, and it shall unroll all across the lands, according to My plans. Stand still, let your hearts learn to be still, for by your faith placed firmly in Me, shall you accomplish all that is set for your race. Look straight in to My Face! Keep stepping within My Pace, for nothing shall fail of My Word or of my Promises to you as you do! I am with you!

- Susan G O’Marra
- 06-21-24