Susan's Thoughts, Insights, and Prophetic Stirrings. Spiritual food for thought and personal growth. We live by faith, and if this ministry has blessed you in any way, would you consider sowing a seed into it? ..... If you would like to give into what the Lord is doing among us here, or if you have been blessed by our ministry, you can give through Givelify or CashApp at: Givelify: Cash App:$SOGChurch341
Friday, December 20, 2024
"I wouldn't change this journey for anything!" - 12-20-24
Sunday, December 15, 2024
“The Lord is not Moved by what men see”
Saturday, December 14, 2024
“The Markers and Patterns Given for our Times Prophecy given at SOG on 12-08-24”
“The Word of the Lord that has gone forth for America, for our nation and the nations right now, the time is now for all those things we have been waiting for, because they are at the door. But where are those that recognize the hour? Where are those that stand in My doorposts, looking for Me? Listening for My Decree? You have to watch. You have to listen. You have to obey. The manifestations are on the way, but very few have believed the words I did say. You have been walking on the highway that I have laid out. But you have been in a battle with fear and doubt, and the enemy has been able in many cases, to choke the word out. But My Word can never die. My Word is Eternal, and it still flies, and it still goes around the earth, looking for those who believe and will give it birth. The gestation period is done, and I am birthing through My Sons and My Daughters, and I have given you the markers of what was and of what is. I have even shown you the markers of what is to come, and I say, you have the keys. You know what is to come, and it is time for those things to be done.”
“This is the year when you will no longer be bound in fear. When you will no longer look around at the activities of man and be full of doubt and not understand My Plan. Are you not joined unto Me in this hour? Do you not belong to Me? I am not weak. I am full of power. But I have been waiting for My church to believe Me in this hour, and to understand what I have been working on. What I have been building outside of your view. You do not know everything that I have been doing behind the scenes. But I have been preparing the earth for a Mighty Harvest birth! I have positioned you all over the earth. Every one of you, in the right places, that I have designed for you at this time. Will you not awaken in your mind? Will you not awaken in your heart? Will you not awaken to your part? Will you not join My Hand? Will you not understand the things I have planned for your time? It has been foretold of old, and you are the ones that died and have purchased my revelatory gold. You have stood in the fires that those of old stood in, and all of My men up to this time learned to stand in, and they were willing to die to everything, so that I could live through them, and manifest My plan in the earth.”
“You are My signs. You are My markers on earths timeline. I sent you to the earth, to be the epistles that men would read. You are the bibles that men will see. You are the markers displayed for Me. You are the ones that others will see, and you will harvest them, and fish for them, everywhere you go, because men will see through your life, the things I want them to know. Yet, you doubt every day, when things don’t go your way, but you must understand, you are walking it out according to My plan. Don’t limit Me just to your short life. Look and see, how far ahead of your life I have planned out your scroll. Your role. You don’t just affect people right now and tomorrow. Your life’s story will affect generations to come after you. Because everyone of you plays a part in My Story that encompasses all of time. I am not limited to time. I created time for you to live in. I created time for man when they fell. They live in time, because they have My Story to tell. You are the Markers sent to the earth. I will establish My Word, and My Patterns, and My Signs through your birth. Trust Me to steer you along the way. Trust Me to provide for you by every word I say. I will supply everything you need. You need not fear things on the earth this year. You need to understand that I am here, and you belong to Me! I will finish My Story. I will accomplish My Plan. You are My Markers walking among man.”
“So, let go, and let Me finish what you do not yet know, and at the end, you will turn around and realize it was so! So, rise up now, My Children, this is your hour. This is My hour. This is the hour that I have set for your generation to rise up and to stand in the earth. This is your hour to give birth. This is your hour that I have marked for you. What will you do with the hour that I give to you? What will you do with what is available to you? With what is waiting for you, and what has been written for you? Do not look at My Word in the manner in which you have been taught and heard but look at My Word through My Spirit in this hour, and you will hear My Voice speaking through the letters that are arrayed in My Book. For I am speaking. I am showing you the depths of My Word. The layers of My Word. The revelations in My Word, and the life that is in My Word that is waiting to be heard. For My Voice still speaks.”
“My Spirit still reveals, and there is so much more that will be unsealed, but it comes by My Spirit, and My Spirit will blow it here and there, and you will not be able to chart it out the way you have in the past. But you must navigate by My Stars again. You must be the wise men that follow the stars of My Spirit that I set before you on your path. For wise men navigate by My Stars, because are not My Stars the markers of your family line? Are not stars the markers of your generational line? Of My Heavenly Designs? Of My Patterns that I set for men? Are not they the seeds of your faith? The very place where you and I begin? You must understand what I am ushering in. It shall not be like the former, but it shall be the latter! Because I am the Beginning and the End! I am the Ladder upon which My angels ascend and descend, and you must come up into the heavenly realms, and you must bring it back into the earthly realms again and again and again and again. As you walk in the patterns that I have given by examples for men, you, in your time, will bring it in!”
“I have called you to fish for men. I have called you to awaken the slumbering. I have called you to call forth those that are in the deserts, and in the caves, and those that rebel and don’t want to be saved. Watch! My Wave is here, and I am going to usher them in right before your eyes, but you are going to be surprised, because you will not be able to control how I do it. But you will be instruments through which I will do it, and I will reveal all that is a mystery still. But you will gather in what generations before you desired to begin. They are waiting for you to finish your race. They have been waiting for you to rise up in your place. They have been praying for you in heaven. They have been petitioning Me with your names. They have been calling out to Me, Lord, finish it in their day! Finish it all the way!”
“So, I say, will you obey? Will you let go, and let Me have My way? Will you navigate out into the deep with Me? Because you do not know where the deep harvest is waiting for you. But you will cast your net on the other side of what you thought I would do, and you will throw it out there just to shut Me up, you think. Because I am bothering you, and you will throw it over there, but then, suddenly I will surprise you! And it will all come in, and I will amaze you! Because you did know that is where I hid it from men. Listen for My Winds, and Watch, for My Fires will descend! Because My Harvest is not waiting to begin, it is already coming in, but you are right on time. So, follow My Signs! Follow My Designs. Follow Me, and you will bring in all that designed for you, and you will strengthen your brothers and sisters too. For all of you, in this generation, have that honor for this time.”
- Susan G O’Marra
- 12-08-24
Friday, December 6, 2024
“The Treasuries or Reservoirs of our Hearts are to be Rooted in Heaven” – 12-06-24
Sunday, December 1, 2024
“The Roaring of the Lion and the Fields of the Earth – 12-01-24”
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Jesus and the Valley of the Sheepfold Encounter 11-25-24
Monday, November 25, 2024
“The Kaleidoscope of Butterflies in the Harvest Fields of the Lord Vision” – 11-24-24
“The Kaleidoscope of Butterflies in the Harvest Fields of the Lord Vision” – 11-24-24
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Anchoring our Faith Solely in Him
Friday, November 22, 2024
“Another Dimension of Prayer will Expand Everywhere” – 11-22-24
“Another Dimension of Prayer will Expand Everywhere” – 11-22-24
I saw fire everywhere in the spirit realm in the church tonight as I waited before the Lord. Fiery angels were standing all around me within Holy fire. They were joining us here in our times of prayer. I heard them say:
“You all are called and anointed to pray in the Fathers way. There is no other way. It’s time to step in to those things that the Father wants to begin. He is ushering you all in, for the Hour of Fiery Prayers shall now begin. It is not enough just to pray from your own minds or even from your own will or strength. It is time to pray from His will that is written for all of you. Lay down your own understandings and allow Him to share with you His. Length of days shall be added to you as you all do, for the Father has need of all of you.”
“Men will always make choices from their own hearts and minds. They succumb to the lower realms from the pressures of men and from the influences from the world, and they have not yet learned to be fed by My side. You are to establish a Higher Prayer Way for many to travel upon with Me. For I am calling your generation to a higher revelation of their stations. My Spirit will empower you to pray and to navigate these time ahead by My Ways. You cannot see the things ahead, but I know all of them and I have prepared the way ahead for you all. Do not allow fear and discouragement to bring you down, but rather Mount up in Me all around! You must recognize the demonic and worldly strategies that keep you earth bound in your prayers. Trust in Me to accelerate you each up My Prayer Stairs!”
“My Spirit speaks to you from within, trust in Me to show you the higher things that I want to begin. It is not yet the end! Keep your eyes fully upon Me! It is not a time to give in to doubt, you will not figure things out when you are looking around in doubt, for you will pray from fear, which keeps you rooted down here. Break free of all that plagues your mind and heart, and trust in Me to expand your understanding of your times so you can receive My heart and My mind. I am your Hope. I am your Truth. I am your Peace. I am your Future and your Security. Trust fully in Me.”
“The angels assigned to your lives are ready to begin. Divine assignments are ready for your stewardship to usher things in. I am drawing you all to come fully in. You are to stand deeply within the Fires of My Presence, and speak My Words that I give to you, for by these things I will speak to you, I will tear down the ancient walls that many of you are trying to ascend. This can only be done within Me. Wake up and look, for I will truly open My Books and you will look, and you will see what has been waiting for all of you to fully join Me.”
“You cannot withhold a portion of yourself from Me, and you cannot trust only in what you have learned from the past. I am also the God that is Present, and I am also the Future throughout eternity. You have not yet seen what else is in My Hands, nor understood My plans. So come up here, and let go of your fear and your distrust of Me. You doubt My care for you. You doubt My supply. You carry too many earthly burdens that only belong to Me. I am calling to you to enter into your rightful place in Me. My Fiery Prayer will break forth and erupt everywhere. You shall thrive within My Flames and you will behold all of My Names as you agree with Me. Behold, My Fiery Angelic army are all around you, and they know what to do as you fully yield your lives to Mine, you shall usher in My Fiery Harvest Wine.”
My Wines of My Desire that I have reserved for all of you come from deep within My Fires of Prayer, and these will refresh all of you, and bring the quickening you so desire. I am not limited by the realms of time. My Eternal Fires will transform you all as you embrace your end times calls. Forsake those things that hold you down. Embrace My Spirit who is drawing you closer to Me. You are part of My end-time prayer army. Nothing shall stand before your prayers that you utter from Me. Mount up the stairs that have been lowered now for you all to see. Step into the Holy Flames and live in My Higher Reality. You shall surely bring change to the earth, as you all release the My Words of great worth. It’s time for the full birth!”
- Susan G O’Marra
- 11-22-24
Sunday, November 17, 2024
The Golden Chain Links of the Remnant Body of Christ and the Higher Purposes of God – 11-17-24
The Golden Chain Links of the Remnant Body of Christ and the Higher Purposes of God – 11-17-24
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Australia and the Golden Crown Vision - 11-14-24
Esther 8:15 And Mordecai went forth from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, with a great crown of gold and with a robe of fine linen and purple; and the city of Shushan shouted and rejoiced. 16 The Jews had light [a dawn of new hope] and gladness and joy and honor.
Psalms 21:1 The king [David] shall joy in Your strength, O Lord; and in Your salvation how greatly shall he rejoice! 2 You have given him his heart’s desire and have not withheld the request of his lips. Selah [pause, and think of that]! 3 For You send blessings of good things to meet him; You set a crown of pure gold on his head. 4 He asked life of You, and You gave it to him—long life forever and evermore.
- Susan G O'Marra
- 11-14-24
Sunday, November 10, 2024
“The Come up Very High Prophecies - 11-08-24”
“The Come up Very High Prophecy - 11-08-24”
(Transcript from the audio of the Friday night livestream, and the prophecy from the late-night prayer time)
Susan shares her vision from the worship time:
From the very beginning of worship, I really began to cry out to the Lord. Lord, we are not here just to do the church thing. My heart was, take us deeper into your heart. We must know you, because that's where all prayer starts, is in his heart. That's where it came from. It came from him. And I said, Lord, take us very, very, very high tonight in the Spirit. Catch us so high, because the Lord keeps telling us, you have to come up high! You can't pray from down here. You must go higher in the Spirit, so we can see and hear clear, right? So, I begin to cry out, Lord, lift us high and worship, lift us high! Take us where we can't get ourselves but catch us up in you!
Just lift us very, very high in the Spirit, and all of a sudden, I was very, very high and all the Seraphim were all around us, and they were like burning whirling, blowing, whirlwinds. And we were inside their fire - like we were inside their beings - like we were inside the glory fire in the Father's heart. And it was spinning all around me. And I could see all the eyes in the fire because, see, that's where you pray from. That's where you pray from, from His desire! And then I heard His voice, and I wrote it out, so I wouldn't miss anything. I heard the Father speak as I was caught up into him very, very high, because you got to understand, this is where the church has to go, and has to be, to get full victory! We cannot pray from what we want down here or what we think. We have to get up high in the Spirit above all this stuff.
The Father speaks:
He said, “Will you eat the words from My mouth? Would you receive the words from My very fiery heart? Will you steward the desires of My heart that I want to start?” So, we can bring all the things we want, but He's wanting us to come and pray the things He wants, right? He said, “Will you steward the desires of My heart that I want to start? Will you lay down what you want to do, and will you come up here and stand in this high, high place? Will you stand by My side and give my words to my bride?” You know, his bride is the body of Christ in the earth. “Will you bring her higher into My side, so she can learn to abide deep inside? Oh, well you steward My words for humanity with Me?”
“Come up here and stand in your places this year! It's time for the high places - and the high paces - for your races. My burning ones are all among you. Stand in Me, and see your place in Me, and then steward Me - with Me, and for Me - and I will be with you as you do! Walk along the high and the holy ones, as my fiery daughters and sons! Your time has fully come, and My fires have begun to run!”
Susan shares more:
I saw the wind begin to blow fire from way, way up high and it began to spread out everywhere. Fire – the Fire of the Fathers desire! We all have prayer lists. We all have wants and needs, but He has once and needs, and He wants us to birth them in the earth, because that's what's going to change everything. That's what was happening as Jackie was singing tonight.
I was way, way, way up high. He said, “This is where the power of prayer is - because it's not influenced by anything down here!” It's not influenced even by ourselves. It comes from His desire. And He said, “That's the place of the higher prayer fire!”
That's what He's going to require to change the nations, and to change our nation, and to change us. So, I want to get it out. I wrote it out, but I'm recording it so I can transcribe it. This is Father's desire, because you know why, He wrote future in our books - And if we don't go up high and take a look, we're never going to pray it through, because we have a part in this generation, and the only way we are going to change this generation is by declaring what He wants to release. It’s time we go very, very high, and listen to His hearts cry! – the end of this part…..
We look to you, Father. We look into Your Face. You said to look at You - to listen, to wait upon You, to stand in Your Presence. So here we are, Lord. Seeking what You want. What You desire. What You require, and You simply said, “Come up higher. Come up higher.” So, Lord, here we stand. We stand in the midst of our land. We stand looking for Your hand to come. As we stand on the watch with You - You said, “Pray until you see My Hand Come, and then you will understand what I'm going to do in your land.” And we're watching with you. We're looking to you…..
The Father responds:
“This is what I long for, that My people would stand at My door asking Me for the Rain to pour - asking Me that I would come and heal and restore - that people would seek My Face - and come and stand, asking for My Grace. This is what I long for, and this is why I put you in this place. This is why I put you in this land, for you are My people that will stand. You are My people that understand and are looking for My Plan, and would I not answer you in the land? Would I not show you My Heart? Would I not reveal the contents of My Hand, and would not My Angels guide you in your way? This is what I long for today, that My people would gather and pray. That they would no longer wander, but they would find their way, in the day called Today - and they would turn their hearts back to Me, and they would seek My Face. That they would seek My Grace. They would seek what I would require, but most of all, that they would long to come higher! They would long to come and be with Me!”
“I am going to shake the strongholds of Apathy. I'm going to shake the strongholds of Comfort and Slumbering. I'm going to shake all those bands that prevent My people from joining hand to hand and gathering together across this land - crying out till they did understand what is in My Hand! For I have things that I have held in reserve for all of you. I have portions that I have written on your scrolls. I have portions ready to pour into your roles! But very few are seeking My Face when you have the Grace! But yet, I shall come and shake the bands, and shake the lands, and shake the hands of those that would not want to agree - that would not want to come into unity - because My Healing Balm will pour! For My Heart is to restore, and I have heard your prayer, and I have seen your sacrifice. I have seen your obedience. I have seen your struggle, even in the midst of these things, but yet you have prevailed, and your face and your prayers have not failed!”
“You have seen the Dawning of this New Day. Now watch, Children, watch and look for My Hand! Look for My Cloud! Look for My Heart, and you shall surely have your start - because that is your part! That is why you're here. You are guardians of the birth. You are guardians of the story of this land, and I've entrusted it into your hand into your command. So, I say to you, Children, Stand! Stand. Stand at My doorposts and keep looking in - because you're going to see My Hand coming closer, and closer, and closer to you as you do - and the Rains will come, and My Angels will gather- and you will see the Desire of the Nations come in - because it is not man ushering them in - It is Me! My Angels hearken to Me, and they are at your gates, and they have their Scythes in their hand, and they are ready to swing them back and forth across the land, and you are the ones that have stood, and that will see the fruit of what is to be, because you have been faithful to Me. - Thank you.”
“My Rains have begun. My Winds will come. My Fires will increase, and the Floods will flow- that you are to know, that it is My Hand that brings it so, because I am watering what has been hard, and what has been dry, and what has been fallow for a long, long time - But I have heard the cries of those that are hungry and thirsty, and that are looking for change, and so I'm coming in stage, by stage, by stage, and as you read My Word page, by page, by page, you will understand what's been prophesied by Sage, by Sage, by Sage, and you will see the Timeline, and you will understand the Sequences, and you will understand what's written for your time, for I will unlock it for you.”
“You are the seekers of My Mysteries. and you're going to see the fulfillment of some histories - because you have not let go. You did not quit. You kept looking for it, and do not I look upon those who look upon Me? I am faithful to My people! I am faithful to My Word! I am Faithful - And so, listen for My Winds to blow. Look for My Fires to roar. Look for the Rains to pour and look for the Floods more- but it is not for destruction. It is for nurturing, and for healing, and you will understand what you've waited for and for the revealing, because you hear the Trumpets pealing, and you see the nation's reeling - but look again - you'll understand what's unsealing, because it's Me! I’m coming to answer those who have cried out to Me. I am here and many things you will see this year, but it is not for you to fear! It's for you to understand, My Hand is coming near, and near, and near! And you will run, and you will even outrun the rain, and you will outrun all those in chains, and you will see the Harvest Rains! - Thank you."
“For my White Horse is on the move, and you see the reins of the horse in My hand, and My Chariots are coming in My command, and among you the horses and chariots already stand. My Angels are all in your land. So do not be afraid of the shaking - but be anticipating what I'm making - for surely My Glory will expand - and as you continue to agree with Me, I will accomplish all of My Plans that I have written for man - for this is your inheritance from Me. Thank you for seeking Me and thank you for ministering to Me tonight. Thank you for sharing My burdens with Me. Thank you for taking the time to come aside before Me. For you are pleasing to Me, and you have satisfied My Heart, because you obediently took your part- and this is the mark that I have set for you this day. You have satisfied My heart today, because you were willing to come and pray. Thank you. I will repay because you did obey. Thank you.” - The end.
- Susan O’Marra
- 11-08-24