“Great Grace, Great Faith, and the work of the angels among us all in the Habitation"
(Prophecy given on 5-31-19)
“I give you power in this hour Children. I give you power in this hour. I give power to those who believe in Me. I give power to those who don’t go by what they see, but what they hear from Me. Will you heed My Voice in this hour? Will you yield to My Spirit in power? Will you let go of the shore, and believe in Me more? Will you launch out into the deep measure of faith that I have for you? It is time to sail in the deep with Me, because I have deep faith. I have powerful faith. I have waves of faith that are going to be crashing over your soul. Crashing over your spirit. Crashing over your body till you are made whole, because My Faith is what will set you free! It is My Faith that will deliver you and make you whole. It is faith in Me, and it is faith in you, and when we agree, My Faith will do it all! Because Children, answer My Call! Believe in Me in this hour! For I have given you faith, that will bring forth great power. For I am ready to release Faith’s shower in this hour!”
“I am not hiding My Word from you. I am not hiding behind curtains, and blinds, and doors, and floors, I do not hide, but I require that you abide! You cannot stand outside and look in and say, Lord where is the faith, the power? I say, Come in Children, and abide! You must abide in Me and faith will give you eyes to see! Because My eyes will look through thee, when you and I agree! Come into the deep faith within, because you are My Mighty Men and its time to begin. Do you stand? Do you hear? Do you contend for My Mighty Rushing Wind? For My Winds of Faith are blowing in this hour. My Winds of Faith are blowing in My High Tower! My Winds of Faith will wield great power when you rest and abide in Me in this hour! You must come in, come all the way in, so that faith can begin, because I will cause you to fish for men.”
“Do not stand outside looking in. Do not keep asking me, Lord, when? How? Why? Will it begin? You are My Mighty Men. You are the ones that I am waiting for. You must walk on Faith’s floor. You must come in more, and you must stay and be restored. Oh, hear the voice of your Lord! Pick up Faith’s Sword! It’s time to contend with Me! It’s time to reap the harvest you are about to see, and it will be when you and I agree! Come in and abide, and walk in Faith’s Stride, because Wisdom will be your guide!”
The Ocean of Faith:
“I see a vast ocean of faith in this region. I see deep, deep, deep chests way at the bottom of the ocean in this region. I see only a few that are beginning to snorkel and dive, and re only beginning to discover the chests that are hidden very deep. You must contend for the Faith that was once delivered to the saints of old. You must contend for My chests of silver, and diamonds, and gold. You must contend for the faith of the saints of old. You must contend, so this region will not be cold but will be very bold. You must contend, and you must go very, very deep in Faith, because I am giving you the keys to unlock the Treasures of Faith. I am giving you the understanding of how to unlock, and not just contend for the ancient faith, but unlock the faith that will get the city, and the region, and this nation all the way in.”
“Children, its time to go all the way in. Its time to go deep, to dive into the breakers of the deep with Me. For I am going to unlock the chests and you and I will finish the rest. I have caused you to inherit the best. Give Me no rest, until you unlock and reap every chest that is laying on the bottom, because as you do, I will bring the full harvest to you. That is why you are in this region, but you must contend for the faith that was once delivered to those of old. You must be fiery and bold. You cannot waver in this hour, but you must move into the deep to access My full power, because I have given it to you. Ask Me what you and I can do, because I am here to show you, and I am here to flow you, and to grow you, and I want you to know that now is the time. Now is the time! Now is the time for everything to be found and to realign. Now is the time!”
Two angels named Jachin and Boaz come:
“Jachin and Boaz are standing here in the spirit. No longer can we be divided or separated. No longer can we be wounded. The Lord wants to heal. He wants to reveal. He wants to seal. He wants to provide. He wants to guide, because the Fishers and the Providers will work as one, because Provision has now come for those that will be My Sons. For I am shifting in this hour, and you will labor together, hand in hand, two by two. Jachin and Boaz will go before you. Two by two you will reap, and you will mature My sheep. Because no longer will My Body be wounded but they will be Mighty, for I am here with you. For Great Grace has been assigned to you, and you are asking for her Wisdom. You are asking for her plan. So I have given you Jachin and Boaz to walk with you, hand in hand, until you fulfill the fulness of My plan.”
Colossians 1:8 Also he has informed us of your love in the [Holy] Spirit. 9 For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [special] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things—10 That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition].
1 Kings 7:21 Hiram set up the pillars of the porch of the temple; he set up the right pillar and called its name Jachin [he will establish], and he set up the left pillar and called its name Boaz [in strength].
Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were assembled was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they continued to speak the Word of God with freedom and boldness and courage. 32 Now the company of believers was of one heart and soul, and not one of them claimed that anything which he possessed was [exclusively] his own, but everything they had was in common and for the use of all. 33 And with great strength and ability and power the apostles delivered their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace (loving-kindness and favor and goodwill) rested richly upon them all. 34 Nor was there a destitute or needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses proceeded to sell them, and one by one they brought (gave back) the amount received from the sales. 35 And laid it at the feet of the apostles (special messengers). Then distribution was made according as anyone had need.
- Susan O’Marra
- May 31st, 2019