Tuesday, December 15, 2020

"The Invitation to Come In and to Fully Abide" - 12-11-2020

"The Invitation to Come In and to Fully Abide"
(Prophecy given at SOG on December 11th, 2020)
I hear the Lord say, “Come Saints! Come. Come here. Come up here! You are wanting us to come, you come! Come, come in more. Come in deeper. Come in further. Open wide inside. Open wide inside. Open wide, don’t be afraid. Come and abide, open wide! Come and abide, open wide! Come here, come in this year. Come in and abide in Me. Come in and rest eternally.”
“Come in and don’t fear. Don’t struggle this year. Come in, I want you to see and hear clear. I want you to draw near here. Come, I’ve made everything ready. I have everything ready! I have everything ready! I am not late, don’t be afraid. I have everything already laid. Already arrayed. Already displayed. I know what I am doing. You have yet to see My Grand Display. Cause I’m ushering in the brand-new day! And every day, it gets brighter and brighter! Every day, it gets brighter and brighter!”
“Do you not discern My Light? Do you not discern how bright? Do you not stand in My sight? Do you not know your right? I say, step in and abide tonight. Come into My Light. Why do you dwell in darkness? Why do you dwell on the fringes? Why do you wander here and there? Why do you not stay in with Me? Why do you not look at Me? Why do you not see? There is so much more I have for you to be. Come in. Come into Me. Everything is ready. Everything is made. Everything has been laid. The price has been paid.”
“You have yet to see what’s about to be made, because I have yet to build My House in this region. I have yet to build what I want to display, but you are on your way. It’s going to be okay. Do not be swayed left or right, but step into Me tonight. Step into My Light, because I am going to shine very bright, and you, My Children, are going to stand in your right.”
“He is laughing……He has such joy because He has a people that cannot be traumatized. That cannot be in terror. That cannot fall away because His People know Him today. They will obey! They will come inside and abide! And He is so pleased, that you have stayed the course, and you have been faithful to the white horse. You have stayed the course, and you have been faithful to the white horse. You have stayed the course that has been laid out for you.”
“Feast on Me Children. Feast on Me, I am your security! I am your Light! I am your strength! I am your freedom and joy tonight! It is Me! I am your Liberty! I am your Security! I am your Protection in this hour! I am your direction in this hour! I am your reflection in this hour! I have so much more that I want to pour, and I shall heal, deliver, and restore!”
“But Children, stay in My Door. Stay on My Floor. Do not go in and out anymore! But abide, and reside in Me, for My Light is bright, and surely you shall see the things that I want to be, that are ready! That are ready to expand across the land! Stay in My Plans and continue to hold My Hand while I bring it forth and expand. I say to you, Stand!”
-Susan G O’Marra
