Sunday, December 13, 2020

“You Are Not Just Overcomers, You Are Triumphant In Me” – 12-04-2020


“You Are Not Just Overcomers, You Are Triumphant In Me” – 12-04-2020


(Prophecy given at SOG on 12-04-2020)


“Do not be afraid. Do not fear. Do not look around and wonder what’s going to happen this year. Be strong! Be strong and stand in the Lord’s command! You have the authority in your land! You have the keys in your command! Do not fear the future, and do not fear the things in the earth, but look to the One who has given you birth! For you are the stability in the earth, and you are not to be shaken! You are not to flounder! You are not to be in despair! You are to sit in your authority! You are to sit in your chair! You are to decree the things that shall be because you rule and reign with Me! I am not shaken. I am not weary. I am not far away. But I am near, I am here!” 


“’Children, it’s time that you stand up and steer! It’s time that you draw near, and that you stand in Me in your authority! I am your Strength. I am your Power. I will lead you through all that comes in this hour! Everything is subject to Me! Do not look around and think you see all that there is to be. I have much hidden in Me! I have only disclosed a small portion, because My People are not ready for more. But the portion that I show you, walk in them! Walk in it with Me, because through the midst of it all you will have victory! Because I am going to bring you through into more! That is what I am empowering you for!”


“You are not just overcomers; you are triumphant in Me! You are not just going to overcome and win a battle. No, you are to rule and reign! You are to sit with Me! These things are to be under your feet! They are not to be coming back out, and then you have to battle them down again. Once you overcome them and defeat them and put them under your feet, that’s complete! It’s time to thoroughly root out every enemy. Thoroughly remove them! Don’t just defeat them! Remove them from your land, and they won’t come back again.” 


“You must utterly annihilate every demonic root. Then replant righteousness in its place. Replant Grace. Replant My Glory. Replant My Fruit and change your land! Change your land! Reformation is at hand! You must understand! I am here to bring change. To utterly transform! And these things that you struggle in must go! You must change, so the new can come and flow! I want you to know.”


“I have a better way, but you must be militant today! For your enemy seeks to devour, and one of you will stand. Will it be him in your land, or will it be you? Then you must remove everything that hinders you! Then you can see the things that I want to bring. That are ready to come. As you move in Me, I will show you more, and I will show you more! I will continue to pour as you are faithful in the war! Be faithful in the war! Don’t succumb in this hour! Don’t give up! Don’t lose your faith in Me but stand! Because I am your victory! I am your strength. I am your life. And through Me, you will have the victory!


The Lord speaks more: 


“I have not planned your scrolls, and I have not orchestrated it to unroll, I have not planned your defeat. I have planned that you would fulfill it and it would be complete! I have invested my very life on your behalf. I have invested my very life to carry you through, and to empower you all the way through! I have invested Myself in you! Why would you struggle and waver in this hour? I gave you My Authority and Power! I laid down My Life so that you could be free! I laid down My Life because I won your victory!”


“There is nothing that can defeat you in this hour! There is nothing that is not under My Blood’s power! There is nothing that has been hidden from you! I am the Spirit of Truth! I show you all things, but the liar and the deceiver tries to hide it from you! And tries to tell you that I don’t speak to you! And tries to tell you that I’m not with you, and that you’ve lost Me! You must wake up! I am the Truth, and My angels of truth are with you in this hour! My angels of truth do not come here to play. They come to those who will obey and who will do the things I say! You must be a Lover of the Truth! For why would I come to those that would not go all the way? Why would I not lay down My Life for those? I don’t call those that will fail. I call those that I know will prevail because their faith will not fail!”


“I caused you to be born in this hour, because I knew you would not give up! Because I knew you would not quit! Because I knew, because I put it in you! I am not far away from you. I am in you! I am with you! I am for you, and I have given you all power and all authority! Because it’s Me! I have destined you to have victory, and the enemy wants to steal the truth. He wants you to doubt that I am with you. He wants you to doubt that everything will work out. He wants you to see defeat and he wants you to lay down and quit, and give up and say, this is it! I did not die so you would quit! I died so you would live! I died so you would bear fruit. I died so you would be the light that people around you could see!”


“Get up on My White Horse, and ride into your victory! I gave you this city! I gave you authority to prophesy! I sent My Horse to this city! And why would you doubt? Why would you struggle when you have the keys? Why would you let the enemy steal what I want to reveal? I have been waiting for My Army to rise! I have been waiting for this city to rise! I have been waiting for My People to rise so I could bring these things! Because when I bring them you will keep it. I’m not going to allow the enemy to steal it again! No! You are My Mighty Men! It’s time to begin! It’s time to usher it in! When can I usher it in? When? When can I begin? - Get ready!”


-       Susan G O’Marra

-       12-04-2020