Saturday, June 1, 2024

"Praying in the Battlefields of Men" - 06-01-24

 "Praying in the Battlefields of Men"

I woke up 9 minutes before my alarm went off this morning and thought to myself that I would go back to sleep for those 9 minutes. Then I found myself in a different land where many were dead and dying who had been fighting, and they were all lying wounded or dead on the ground. Violence and carnage were everywhere. I went over to check and see if any of the men were alive. When I found one alive, I knelt down by them really close to their faces and began to tell them about Jesus. One by one, I saw them smile all take their last breaths.
Then my 9 minutes were up, my alarm went off, and I was back in my house. The Lord needs laborers in the harvest, even if they are not like you, He wants to use you. Love will draw them. Don't be afraid to reach out to others, even in your sleep. I think many people are going to be surprised who Jesus saves in these coming days. You are important to the Lord's plans, and no one is beyond saving, because Jesus cares for them.
- 06-01-24