Sunday, February 11, 2024

“Encounter in the Many Fields of Jesus and the Field of Eggs – 02-11-24”

 “Encounter in the Many Fields of Jesus and the Field of Eggs – 02-11-24”

Jesus and I were walking together in a country setting, and we came to a vast area that had many different fields planted in it. I looked and I saw fields of barley, fields of wheat, fields of corn, and many other fields of other plants that I didn’t recognize. There were so many different fields that stretched out before us, and I saw angels and people attending each field, working and weeding among all of the growing plants in the fields.

Jesus said, “These are all my fields. I am working in all of the fields of the earth. Each field has it’s own purpose and also it’s timing of maturity and of production. I carefully inspect My fields and I also care for the fields as they grow. Do you understand this vision?” I nodded and said, “Yes. The fields are the world, and the plants in them are the people. The different fields are the places where you have put the people so they can grow to full maturity.” Jesus nodded, “Yes, that is good. Come, I have another field to show you that needs attention.”
We walked over to our left and then I saw a vast field that was full of eggs! I stopped and I was amazed, as eggs were not grown in fields. The eggs were all lying on top of the soil, and there were angels turning them periodically in the sun. Each egg was a little different in size and color, but all were being cared for. I looked at the Lord questioningly and He only smiled. He stood there with His arms folded across His chest and seemed interested in my reactions to this field.
Finally, He said, “I have many fields, and I have many people in the world. I know the hearts of everyone on this earth. I know who belong to Me and who does not belong to Me. When I see people in the world that are open to Me, the angels will bring them to this field of eggs to incubate and to be nourished. Not all of My people are ready to be planted in the other fields yet.”
“These eggs represent the stages of growth of this field. Some of these eggs, My people, are still gestating. Some have not awakened to who they truly are. Some are still in their birthing processes as some are not ready for change yet. Many of these eggs that you see here still want to remain in their own ways. Some do not want to birth and are comfortable in their shells. I am going to help them all in this field, for it belongs to Me and I care for them. I am ready to plant a new field.”
“You are living in the time of the Greatest of all Awakenings in the earth. I am accelerating time as you all currently know it. I am now awakening those in the earth who are looking for Me, and soon they will find me and will recognize Me. I am also awakening those who are ready for new understandings and paradigms so they can finally emerge from their shells. I want you to see something wonderful that many will not yet understand, but it is all the work of My hand.”
So, I looked at the field full of eggs again and suddenly the ground began to vibrate. The angels that were caring for the various eggs were hovering over the fields now, watching with us. The ground began to hum with a low hum, and I watched the eggs gently vibrate and they all began to turn over. Then the shaking increased, and the ground began to groan, and the eggs began to bounce and roll. I wondered at this point if the eggs would break. Then suddenly the earth began to roar, it looked like an earthquake hit the field and the eggs were being tossed into the air, rolling everywhere, and some were crashing into each other. I watched amazed as the eggs still didn’t break. The Lord grinned and said, “Watch Sue, the best part is coming up!”
I watched and the earth then grew quiet, and the eggs all laid still. Then suddenly I saw the entire field of eggs begin to move. I then realized they were hatching! The eggshells were cracking, and you could hear the whole field crack, it was impressive! Some eggs cracked more than the others, but all were opening up at their own speed. Suddenly I saw a hand reach out of a hole in an egg that opened up in the shell. I saw the shell wriggle violently and I saw the struggle ensue as the person inside fought to emerge.
The angels moved to stand by those eggs who were emerging, but they did not help them to break free yet, as I knew it was the person within that had to do it. I saw the person begin to press against the shell and eventually they finally broke out of the shell, and they stood up and looked around.
Then I saw the waiting angel pick them up and take them over to one of the other fields so they could be planted within it, to grow even further with the other plants in their new field. This happened over and over until this field had all hatched out. Other angels then came and cleaned up the field, to prepare it for another batch of eggs. Then Lord then said, “Watch Sue, here comes another batch!” I looked and I saw many angels carrying a huge basket of eggs and they all flew down and they began to take the eggs out of the basket and began laying them on the field.
The Lord then said to me, “I am always at work in My fields of the earth. I know everyone that belongs to Me. Not one is ever lost. I oversee all of the growth processes of all of My people, and I know when they are ready for their next phase. Never get discouraged over what you see happening in the world, for I am at work in it all. The darkness will get darker, and the seasons will change, and the earth will go through the birth pangs of it’s birthing process, but I am reaping all that is Mine through it all.”
Then Jesus looked at Me seriously, and He motioned with His arms over all of the fields. “Many want to be workers and overseers of my growing fields. Many want to grow them the way they think they should be grown, but many are not working in unity with Me. In this season, I am going to replace many overseers with new workers. I will train them to be efficient and effective harvesters and overseers. My fields will grow up as just I have chosen them to, in the timeframe that I have written for them, and not according to the will and ideas of men. This generations harvest will be very great, and the workers are few. So, I am hiring a new field crew to come and help you. I am watching over them all, because I know just when the whole field is at their peak ripeness, and you all must be ready.”
“Now, there are even fewer workers that want to watch over this field of eggs. Many are not patient and they lack understanding of the destiny of these eggs. Most just want to be in the other fields as they do not want to watch over the babies and to tend to their needs. I need good stewards to watch over these fields of eggs too. If they are not watched over, then they will never emerge to be planted, or be able to grow to full maturity. This is the greatest of all ministries in My sight. The time is short, and the greatest of all shakings of the earth is just ahead of all of you. Where can I find a steward for this field?”
I said, “If you cannot find anyone Lord, then I will watch over this field. We cannot lose even one. They are important.” The Lord then grabbed Me and hugged Me tightly. “Thank you, Sue! You have served in all of these fields that you see here faithfully over the years that you have served Me. It is rare to find one who will come out of the greater fields to serve in the lower fields. This is what I am looking for, I need leaders of My heart that don’t’ care where they serve but are just willing to serve. I will share a secret with you, this field also produces greatest of rewards! If there are no seeds, there is no harvest!”
The King is wisely at work in His fields! The angels all around us now were shouting praises to the Lord. Praises to the Lord of the Harvest of the earth! The greatest of all harvests is at hand, and the workers that He needs are coming forth!
Matthew 9:38 So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest.
Luke 10:2 And He said to them, The harvest indeed is abundant [there is much ripe grain], but the farmhands are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
James 5:7 So be patient, brethren, [as you wait] till the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits expectantly for the precious harvest from the land. [See how] he keeps up his patient [vigil] over it until it receives the early and late rains. 8 So you also must be patient. Establish your hearts [strengthen and confirm them in the final certainty], for the coming of the Lord is very near.
Matthew 13:37 He answered, He Who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed means the children of the kingdom; the darnel is the children of the evil one,39 And the enemy who sowed it is the devil. The harvest is the close and consummation of the age, and the reapers are angels.

- Susan G O’Marra
- 02-11-24