Friday, October 6, 2023

“Encounter with the Lord on the Cliffs of the What Ifs” - 10-05-23


“Encounter with the Lord on the Cliffs of the What Ifs” - 10-05-23

As I laid upon my bed and closed my eyes, I suddenly found myself in a very scenic place with very massive cliffs on one side of me and green grassy land where I stood. The cliffs were near the ocean, and you could see the waves crashing on the shore below. As I looked at the cliffs, my heart was thrilled and yet also very apprehensive as I didn’t want to fall over the edge. I grabbed the Lord’s hands. The Lord said to me, “These are the Cliff of the What Ifs!” I suddenly knew that this was a lesson that He was teaching me for the people of God.
Jesus knowing my thoughts nodded and smiled. He said, “My people tend to walk without fear until there is an obstacle on their path, or the path takes a different direction than what they are used to. When there is a sudden change, uncertainty and fear cause them to pause, to change directions, or to stop. In the New Season you are in now, you will not be able to take a different path than what I have placed you upon, for the path I have placed you on is one of safety for your roles. You all must understand that you have stepped out of the old and you must now acclimate to the new opening up around you, and you must determine to place your trust firmly upon Me, because you cannot go by what you know, hear, or see. You know My voice, so you know what to do whenever a situation happens around you. You must fully follow Me.”
“These Cliffs represent the excuses that people use to choose another way in this new day. What if this happens, or what if that happens? What if you are wrong? What if no one comes with me? The ‘What Ifs’ are the old lies of the enemy to keep you in fear and to distrust My voice, and to turn away from following Me in your destiny, so many deviate from what I have called them to do, and they make another safer path for their feet, but it will not be rooted and securely founded in Me. Carnal man will never understand the moving of My Hands, but you are to understand. You cannot figure things out when you are full of fear and doubts. Understand, many are now in that place of decision, for the fear of man and what they think is stronger than their trust in Me. This cannot be!”
“Man, and the wisdom of man cannot understand the things that I have written for those who walk with Me, nor can they understand the moving of My Spirit in your days and in your lands. I am at work in the nations. Do not move ahead of Me, nor cower in uncertainty. You cannot reason your way through the new season, for your own reasonings will mislead you, and you will move off of My path chosen for you. You must fully trust My Voice and My Words spoken to you. Ground yourself thoroughly in Me and set your eyes fully upon Me. Give no thought for tomorrow, and do not be anxious about your future, for I have your life in My Hands. I know the future and you must know that I have your steps planned, all you have to do is to keep your hand in My hand, and follow Me.
“Many are at the precipice of the ‘Cliffs of What If’, and they must realize that Faith in Me will enable them to see what they cannot currently see, and it is their reality that enables them to navigate these times successfully. Nations are at the Crossroads now. Do not fear. Do not worry. Do not be anxious in these times, but trust in Me. I am within you. I am with you. I am guiding you day by day, so you won’t perish in the way. Remember, I am the Way! My People must learn to conquer their fears, to settle their uncertainties, and to their defeat the doubts. Either I am your Way and Truth, or I am not! Doubt will keep you out of My Will and out of My Timing for you. This is no time to ‘Wait and See’ first, for the changes ahead will be rapid and misleading for many. Stop looking at men for guidance, and trust fully upon Me!”
Looking down the steep cliffs, I said, “What do you want them to do when they are full of doubts, and they find themselves here?” He grinned widely and said, “That’s easy, climb the Mountain with Me!” Suddenly the ocean itself rose up and out from its depths the Mountain of the Lord stood in front of us, and He took my hand, and we stepped right onto the Mountain and we both began to climb. Jesus gripped my hands, and He said, “I am the Mountain Sue. When you find yourself by the oceans of uncertainty and all you see is nowhere to go, remember, I am the Way! I am the Stability of your times. Walk with Me and I will guide you securely through all that comes, and through all that shall be. I gave you My Word to guide you all. Trust in Me and you shall not fall, you will surely fulfill your calls through it all.”

Isaiah 33:5 The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation). 6 And there shall be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your treasure and His.
John 10:27 The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand.
John 14:5 Thomas said to Him, Lord, we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way? 6 Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me. 7 If you had known Me [had learned to recognize Me], you would also have known My Father. From now on, you know Him and have seen Him.

- Susan G O’Marra
- 10-05-23