Wednesday, April 10, 2024

"Its Time For You To Rise To A New Life! - 04-10-24"


Its Time For You To Rise To A New Life! - 04-10-24

The Lord spoke these very words to me last week, and I spoke them on the livestream on Sunday for you to hear.
He said it was His will for all of His People to rise up across the lands and to obey your call.
So, I am calling all of you hidden ones in the Body out!
It's time that you listen to God and obey. It's not a time to be afraid of what people think or what they will say.
Stop living in the past.
Stop doing what others want you to be and to do. You know who you are, and you have to be you!
God has put His living words inside of you.
God has sent you here on this earth for His purposes.
You carry His Spirit, His Words, and His life inside of you.
No one can do it but you!
You have a voice. You have God's call.
You have had the dreams, the visions, the prophecies.
You know the message He gave you that burns within.
It's time for you to believe again.
It's time to get up, shake of all the junk holding you back.
Get out of fear and realize it's your time to step forwards.
There is a place for you, because God created you to be it.
It's time to put off the excuses and surrender your life to God.
He will guide you and position you where you belong.
You matter. It's time to sing your song.
God has a place for you, and your voice is important.
It's time to gather where you will be heard.
It's time to stretch those wings again!
God is raising up new Eagle's Nests everywhere in this New Season so that the voice of His whole Body can be heard, and they can also fulfill their calls.
This Saturday, April 13th, we are also having another School of Eagles in East Rochester, and we are raising up new eagles to take their flight.
Maybe you are one of those who will step out to be heard too.
If you want to talk with us, just message us and tell us your story!
- 04-10-24