Friday, June 29, 2012

I Am Awakening You To My Desires

"I Am Awakening You To My Desires"  

 -  Prophetic Word given on Friday, June 29th, 2012 during the morning Prayer Watch:

Children, I am awakening you to My desires. I have been putting them in your hearts everyday. I have been giving you My thoughts each day, each step of the way. I have been whispering in your ears. I have been letting you feel just the beginning of My tears. Children, I have longed for years that My heart- which is My Children-and My very heartbeat, which is My Children, would desire My desire. I have been revealing to you each day, a high and more holy way to walk with Me, and part of that walk is that you climb higher with Me. It is not only that you climb into deeper intimacy, but it is to go into the very desires of My Father's heart, which I carry within Mine. My Father has designed that you would also carry it within yours, and I am giving you glimpses right now, because that is all that you can conceive, and comprehend at this point. Children, there is coming a great flow. My Children on earth must know My heart and My mind, in order to move into the future in My full design, and everyday I am increasing that flow. I am releasing more knowledge to you as you go. And day by day, I will expand you and enlarge you, and give you the capacity to receive more knowledge of Me. This is the deeper intimacy -The fullness of Me.

I want you to come into the very fullness of the Knowledge of Me. I have been building you towards that direction. I have been putting within you everyday more of the Fires of My Resurrection, because as your spirit comes alive, your soul will come alive, and your flesh will come alive. Everyday as you drink of Me, you will live more. You will live greater. You will live fuller. You will live healthier. You will live stronger. Children, appropriate My Life! Appropriate My heart! Let your heart be stirred deeply within. I have longed for My Children to desire My desire, that you would see the earth as I see it. That you would see people, as I see them. That you would see even situations, and events, and circumstances, as I see them. I don't see all circumstances like you do. And to you they might be black or right, good or evil; but to Me, I see them through the Rainbow of My Blood. I see every situation and circumstance as an opportunity for life. I want you to begin to see My possibilities. I want you to see the openings to each situation, where I want to come into, and as you see those openings, you will be able to pray and you will be able to intercede till those situations give way to Me. Because I want My Children to pray effectively. I want My Children to triumph and prevail against all of the obstructions of the enemy!

I want My Children to have My desire in prayer, to have My burden, to see those things that I see. So that you can understand what I want to do, and the changes I want to make happen in them. Your desires are good, but My desires are better. Do not pray in your understanding, but pray in Mine. Because as you do, I will expand the situation before you. I will open it up in prayer, and I will zoom it in, and you will see oh, much clearer in more detail. And you will understand why things are in it's state, and what I want to do, and what I want to accomplish. And then as you agree with Me, and pray as I lead you, then I can do it and you will see those circumstances change! But if My Children do not begin to shift in their thinking, and allow Me to change their perspective of things and situations, how can it ever change? You will just continue to replicate them, and empower them. I am showing you a more higher and effective way to pray!

I see the earth differently than you. I see people differently than you. I see situations differently than you. And those that you would call evil, are not necessarily evil. And those that you would call good, are not necessarily good. Because you don't see what I see. But in every situation, I am God. In every situation, I am the Lord that sees all, hears all, and knows all. And I know what I am doing. I am doing a very deep work in the earth, and men are still judging it by the surface. Men are judging it by what they see. But they don't know the depths. They don't know the degrees that I am at work! So as I move Children, you must go into the depths with Me. You must go into the very deepest and layers in prayer with Me, so that we can bring forth the deepest changes in the earth, in this hour. For I am going to remove many things in the earth. I am going to replace, and reinstall many new things, and recreate and bring great changes, but I want you to flow with Me in them. I want you to release My Wisdom into them in prayer. I have targeted wisdom for you. I have an effective way to pray. I have a precise, surgical tool to give you today.

I am increasing My Fire within you, and the very flames of My desire will consume you more. And I will open your eyes to see the earth in a new way, the cities of the earth in a new way, the nations and the peoples in a new way, and you will understand why I delay, why I have waited to move all these generations, Children, it's because of My desire for men to come unto Me, and for My love for all men, and for My great patience, and longing, and desire for them! And My compassion, because I know the things that all men struggle with. But I also know the depth of the depravity that is in the heart of all men. This is why I have delayed, it is because I want all men to know Me, to come to the reality of Me. And I am bringing it. I am increasing it, and it is My pleasure. It is My good and great pleasure to give you the kingdom. To give you the harvest. To give you the nations. Because I have been creating a People that will not judge the earth by their own sight, but will judge it by Mine. They will not pray for the earth by their own words and understanding, but will pray by Mine. They will not speak or live their life by their own compelling, but will be led by My Spirit, and will speak as they hear it.
I am bringing a new reality to you, and I am so pleased. I am so very pleased that you have desired My Fire, My desire, My pleasure, and My Father's will. I long for all of My Children to fully apprehend My Father. For as I walked in the earth, and as I bore my Father in My breast, and I revealed Him to all men that I came across, so shall you. You shall reveal My Father to all men, and as you reveal Him, you will reveal Me and My Spirit, for we are One. My desire has come! My desire is you! I have been building you. I have been enlarging you. I have been increasing you. I have been fashioning you into a great, great house, Children. You are living, because you are living in Me. Do not judge your success or failure by what you think or see. How can you fail Children, if you are in Me? How can you? You cannot fail. Children, flow in Me! Rest in Me! Abide in Me! Think deeply in Me, and flow! Flow in Me, and grow, and as you do, My prayers will go throughout the earth. For I am releasing floods of prayer. But not just floods of men's prayers, and noise and petitions, no! I am releasing Life, form the very depths of My Being, through you! You will pray in a deep, deep way, that will cause even the gates of hell to give way! For I say Children, it is time to prevail! It is time to triumph! It is time to overtake all of the works of the enemy, even in your life. Even in your city. Even in your nation. Even in the earth, for I have given it to you, and you are just awakening to My desire. All of My desire is in My fire, and as you step deeper into Me, you will discover every one of them with Me. For I will uncover them, step by step, to you. And as I reveal more to you Children, you shall accomplish more very quickly, for I have ordained it so.

I am increasing your flow. I am increasing your vision for the earth. Your vision for nations, for peoples. It is time for My Church to have a fresh impact in the earth. It is time for a fresh prophecy to be spoken into the earth again. It is time for My Church to stand and speak and pray a new way! It is time for My Tsunami's of Prayer to sweep the earth everywhere, and as you do, My Rain will pour upon you! My Rain of Fire has begun! My Winds are blowing upon everyone, and no man will put out the Fire from My hand. You have only begun, and the signs that you see are only a beginning mark for you. Listen, for I shall surely guide you into the depths with Me, and you shall pray. You shall stand in My House that is aflame. For My Walls are fire, as you have seen. My eyes look to and fro in the earth, and you stand in My High Place with Me. You see My House. For you see, My House is you! And I am building it all around you. And I am building it through you. And I am building it for you. And I am erecting it in a great, fiery birth. Into a great vessel of love, that will beat with My heartbeat in the earth! Let My heart speak to you today. Let My beats become clearer and clearer, as you draw nearer and nearer. For I will show you what I see in the earth, and through prayer, you will help it give birth, because Children, I have given you My harvest of worth! You know this. I tell you this a lot to encourage you.

But Children, know it is given to you! That is your purpose, that is why I called you in this generation! You hold them in your chest, in your heart, with Me. They are your inheritance, you see. They are part of you. You must see them like that, because they are a part of Me. Because I created all things to walk in intimacy with Me. You must see them as I see them, and see their great need of Me. And as you see them and their need of Me, we can pray and agree, and I can change things, and I can bring salvation, and I can bring deliverance and healing! But you must carry the burden of the nations with Me! You must carry the souls. Your heart must be knit with Mine, and when you do, you can fish with My Line. For I will entrust it to you, and to all that will do the things that I will require them to do. You shall fish with Me. You will fish in the Seas of Prayer with Me. And My angels will go and work and agree, and suddenly you will see those things happen all around you, and you will know that you are in My Flow. Because I will increase it every day, and your prayer will grow. For I am growing your prayer. I am growing this house, and I will bring My People to Me. I will bring them before My face, continually.

I will draw them deeply. I will deal with them. I will set My Watches again. I will do a new thing, even in the Watches, I will do a new thing, and they shall be a deep, deep flame. For I am going to reveal to all the knowledge of My Name! And this house will be a house of prayer for all nations, for I have ordained it so. And I have only shown you a little flow at this point, because I have been perfecting the precious Seed of Prayer here. But Children, look again, I am about to fan it, and it will be a great sudden work, and you will be amazed at the waves, and waves, and waves of prayer that will go out of here! For I will blow on you. I will fall on you. I will burn on you, and I will draw My People here. And they will carry Me in their chest. And they will carry My House in their chest. And they will carry My earth in their chest. And they will birth the best. They will birth My Seeds of Harvest! It is written in your books Children. I wanted you to know. You have chosen the best portion with Me, and I will fulfill it. I will bless it. I will increase it. I will support it, for it is My work and not yours.

John 5:30 I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, of My own accord--but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]. Even as I hear, I judge [I decide as I am bidden to decide. As the voice comes to Me, so I give a decision], and My judgment is right (just, righteous), because I do not seek or consult My own will [I have no desire to do what is pleasing to Myself, My own aim, My own purpose] but only the will and pleasure of the Father Who sent Me.

-Susan O'Marra     