Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This Is What I Want

"This Is What I Want"

Transcript of prophetic words and vision given at SOG Church on Friday, August 10th, 2012:


Children, this is what I want. This is what I want you to do everyday. Be still. Be still before Me and know that I am with you. I am in you. I am for you. I am working things out on your behalf. Do not allow yourself to be tossed to and fro. Do not strain beyond the measures I have reserved for you to go. You can only go at the pace I have before you. But Children, you must also learn to accelerate in the things of My Spirit, and not be captive in the clutter of the earth. Do not continue to allow these things to distract you and remove what I give into you. The more attention that you put on the world, the more it will draw away the things I put within you.

I am building you Children. You must come more, and be built more. You must spend time with Me more, so that I can build you more. The more that you look at the world, and the more you try to fight it out in the earth, the more you will delay your birth, the more you will hasten the enemy's worth. But the more that you come to Me, the more I can reveal My Reality, the more that I can rain upon your life, the more that I can rain upon your home, the more that I can rain upon your seed, the more that I can meet your need, is the more that you walk with Me. Let go of your safety bars. Let go of those things that make you secure on the earth. Let Me become your safety bar. Let Me become the rock under your feet. Let Me become your stability. Let Me become your all-in-One. Do not linger with those that point the finger, but run with those that have the Vision of the Son, because I am showing you the way, walk ye in it. Walk with Me! Walk with Me, I say! Walk with Me, and rejoice and pray and know this is a day, a new day! You do not see yet all of the things that will pass away, but I have already told you ahead of time what I am doing, and where you are going.

I am continually showing what's ahead. I am giving you knowledge of the future, Children, but you cannot measure it by your past. You cannot measure My Best, by the last. You must let go of the past, to walk in the knowledge of My Future, with Me. I am causing you to eat from My Tree, the Tree of Life, and Liberty. But you must eat of Me Children more, and less of others, and the world! You must depend entirely upon Me! As a Body, you must come to Me and cleave to one another in sincerity, and you must love above all things! For I desire that you love Me, and that you love one another, as I have loved you! But as you drink of My Love, Children, you will naturally drink of each other. For are we not all one drink? Are we not all one Spirit? Are we not all one Bread?

I am healing you. I am building you. I am delighted in you, and I love you My Children. Come to Me, Children! All who are thirsty, all who are weary, all who are broken, and all who are bound, come to Me, your Solid Ground! Come to Me, and you will be found! Come to Me, for My Counsel is sound! I am at your door, and I have made a way for you. And Children, I have only begun to rain, and it is going to pour, and pour, and pour. And I say, get ready for more, and more, and more. For My Voice is going to roar, and roar, and roar. My angels will settle the score, and score, and score. I say, look at your enemy no more! I say, look at Me! Look at Me! Look at Me! For it is I that gave you the victory!

It is I that gives you the faith to see! It is I that lifts you higher with Me! Oh, lay hold of Me Children, and do not let go. Do not continue to be tossed to and fro. You know the way to go. Move with Me. Move with Me. Move into the center of My Channel with Me. For I am opening the Channels of the Mysteries that I have revealed for you. For you shall understand the Histories of all things, because I am going to open the pages of My Books unto you. But I cannot do that if you are looking back. If you are looking at what is now. If you are looking at the war. Children, look ahead and see more! Look ahead to where I am pointing you, and directing you in the Spirit! Move with Me! For I have great things ahead of Me. I have great things ahead. I have great things for you.


The angels then came into the room and are putting green shoes on the feet of all the people. Green is the Spirit of Life. Too much we walk around in death and gloom and depression, destruction, and carnality. The Lord says, we need to begin to walk on the Path of Life, His Path. We need to begin to walk in the Word of Life. We need to begin to speak Life. Think Life, do Life, instead of death, death, death. So the Lord is putting and enablement under your feet to begin to walk in Life, to begin to think Life, speak Life, radiate Life, instead of trouble, trouble. 

The angels also have sunglasses to put on many of you. The sunglasses means, the eyes of Jesus, the eyes of the Son. "Son-Glasses." Spiritual pictures have a natural meaning. It means, see the way Jesus sees. The Spiritual ability to see the future as you see it, and not as men see it.

The Lord speaks more: 

There is too much doom and gloom in the church's mouth. When you speak it, then you begin to see it. The whole purpose for the Church is to bring Life forth in the death. To bring Light in the gloom. Those in great darkness and in the deepest of gloom have seen a Great Light! Your purpose in this hour is to Shine, not to run and hide! Your purpose is to bring Light to this generation that is scared, worried, in fear, and anxious! You have the Words of Life! You have the Words of Hope! But the only measure that you have is what you have built! How much Life and Hope do you have in you, to give them? You need more! Stop focusing on the negative and start focusing on Me, who is Life! I am the Author and Finisher of your faith!

The only thing you are to empower is what the Word of God says, what Heaven says for this hour! What you empower with your words, is what will rule over you. Speak the Word to your situations! Speak Life to them! Speak change to them! Speak the Blood to them! Stop speaking what men say, and speak what I say! What you say with your mouth, empowers what is around you. What you speak into it, will determine the outcome! It will only change, to the degree that you believe it will change. If you don't believe My Word is big enough to change your circumstance, then your god is bigger than Me; that means I am small in your life. Build up your faith, on the Word! Speak the Word to yourself, until your faith get's it. You have the power to change your atmosphere, your surroundings. But together, Children, you have the power to change your corporate atmosphere. Keep speaking, because I am building and increasing!

-Susan O'Marra