Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Vision of the Minutemen on 11-16-12

“11-16-12: Vision of the Minutemen”

Early in the morning, I had a vision of many minutemen marching in rows all in a line, and they were all dressed in colonial clothes, and were carrying drums and other instruments. They were all beating their drums to a single unified cadence. They were all moving together and were passing through towns to awaken the inhabitants.

I knew by the vision, that the Lord is calling His Minutemen to now assemble, and gather, and to begin to function in their callings to awaken the Body of Christ to her destiny in America. The Lord is stirring the spirits of the minutemen, to rise up and to begin to blow their horns, ring their bells, and beat their drums. It is time for the Lord’s war to begin.


A member of a group of American militiamen just before and during the Revolutionary War who held themselves in readiness for instant military service.
Example: Paul Revere.

Armed American civilians who were active in the Revolutionary War and in the period just preceding the war. They were named Minutemen because they were ready to fight alongside regular soldiers at a moment's notice. The Minutemen of Massachusetts were especially well known.

1765–75, Americanism ;
minute + man

-Susan O’Marra