Sunday, May 26, 2013

San Antonio Warning and Audible Shaking Experience

San Antonio Warning and Audible Shaking Experience

Friday morning at 7 am:
I had an unusual event just a few minutes ago....I was sleeping and a loud audible vibration sound and vibrating movement woke me up, it was also in my pillow.
No, I did not have my phone or anything in my room. It was a warning.
I was dreaming of something happening in San Antonio. So, I guess there's a warning in this, but don't have a clue as to what??
Maybe it's nothing, but it was so real, it deserved a notice any ways........
Later, on Saturday, I received this:
Thomas Heward - Susan O'Marra: Are you aware that Flash Flooding hit San Antonio several hours after you had that dream regarding San Antonio? I believe it has been so bad several have lost their lives in this flooding.
Oh wow!!! Weather Channel Meteorologist Nick Wiltgen said San Antonio received 12.16 inches of rain in the 24 hours ending at 11 a.m. Central Time on Saturday. That is just shy of the 24-hour record for the city of 13.35 inches in October 1998.
The Lord will tell the prophets things to come, before He does them, so that we can pray, but also so that we will obey Him. It's time that we live uprightly, for God is on the move in our nation, but also in the earth. Time to pray people! God is waking up our nation!